sick & wired - henry hart

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"Hey, Y/N..." Henry groaned, sitting up in his bed.

"Yeah?" I say getting off the coach and walking towards his bed. He then looks up at me. 

"Can you please get this thermometer out of my nose hole?" He asks in a stuffy voice, pointing at the large thermometer up his right nostril. 

"Yeah, okay. Let's check that temperature." I smile, taking a seat on the edge of his bed and pulling it out. He groans again and I wince, realizing that I might have pulled it a little too hard. 

I shake it a little, and begin to look at the screen. 

"Well babe?" He asks, looking up at me. 

"Hmm, I think it needs to go in deeper." I sigh, tapping the screen a few times because nothing was showing up. 


"Well, I've never used a nasal thermometer before. So hop off." I roll my eyes, looking at the stupid thing. 

"Well maybe you should learn how to use a nasal thermometer before you stick it up your boyfriend's nose." He snapped back, making me raise my eyebrows. 

"Let's just try it again..."

"Y/N, no. Babe, that really isn't necessary..." but before he could finish, I was already sticking it back up his nose. I smile at his complaints. 

"That's what you get for snapping at me." I say standing up from the bed and back to the couch. 

"Look, Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm just really not feeling good." He sighed. 

"Which is why, I'm staying over here. Holler if you need me." I grab the magazine off the couch and begin to read it. After a few minutes of more of Henry's complains, his watch began to beep. I look behind my magazine and watch him get up to answer it. 

"Hey, Ray." Henry said wiping his nose with his sleeve. I roll my eyes, continuing to read. "How you doing?"

"Hungry. Handsome and hungry." Ray answered.

"Hey, Henry and Y/N." Charlotte waved and I do a small wave back. 

"Oh, Char, you're already at work." Henry said looking at the hologram. 

"Yes she is, and we want breakfast. So, on your way to work, stop by Caso de Waffles and pick up nine waffles, some biscuits, some uh..."

"Fresh fruit." Charlotte chimed in. 

"Pffttt, fresh fruit? I'm Charlotte and I want fresh fruit!" Ray mocked and I laugh a little.

"Hey, listen guys. I'm sorry, but I'm still sick and I can't make it to work."

"It's true." I add, setting the magazine down and walking over to him. 

"It's been three days, maybe you want to see a doctor?" Ray suggested.

"Ehhh, it's only a cold, but I still feel pretty bad and I got a fever so I probably should..."

"Hey, kid. I get it. Stay home, rest, and take care of yourself." Ray smiled, leaving me kind of astonished. We all knew Ray, and this wasn't something that he would voluntarily let go. 

Henry hangs up and looks at me. 

"Looks like I get to stay home, and lucky me, you're here." He smiled coming closer to me, but I instantly step back away from him.

"Sorry Henry, but I can't get sick. I have that big test in a few days, and I can't miss it. So you are going to lay in that bed, and I'm going to sit on that couch and attend to you when you need me." I smile, smacking his face lightly and heading back on the platform to the couch. 

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