coma - jace norman

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-Jace's POV-

I slam the door, walking over to my couch angrily. 

Y/N and I just got into another fight, but this time it was worse. The screaming got louder, and she walked out, but not before she pushed me. 

I couldn't handle it. I screamed back, making her leave my apartment quickly and not saying anything to me. I put my head into my hands and I take a deep breath. 

I decided that I'll call her when both of us cool down. I turn on the TV, putting something on to distract myself from everything that just happened. 

Y/N and I didn't fight often, but when we did it always ended in us apologizing to each other and moving on with our day. But that didn't happen this time. 

After watching a few episodes, I hear my phone ring next to me. I sigh picking it up, but I notice that it was Y/N's mother that was calling me. Confused, I answer the phone.

"Hey, Mrs. Y/L/N?" I say into my phone, standing up from the couch. 

"Jace, it's Y/N. On her way back from your apartment she got into a car accident. She's at the hospital right now, but she's not waking up." She cries over the phone, making me instantly run to the kitchen where I left my keys. 

"I'll be right there." I shakily say heading for the door. 

"Please hurry Jace." She said, and I hang up. I run to the parking garage and make my way to the hospital. 

This was all my fault. If I wouldn't have let her leave, she wouldn't even be at the hospital right now. I speed to the hospital, and run into the building looking around. I then see her parents sitting in the waiting room crying. 

"Is she alright?" I ask running up to them. 

"They won't let us see her. They said that she was having trouble breathing and she won't wake up. They think she's in a coma." Y/N's father says standing up. I sigh, running my hands through my hair. This can't be happening. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N?" A doctor said coming out. We all walk over to him, waiting for him to say something. Anything. 

"I have good news and bad news." He went on, looking at us, "She is now breathing on her own, but it seems that Y/N has gone into a coma. We're not sure when she'll wake up, and it might be a while till she does." 

"Is there anything you can do to wake her?" Her mother asked, holding back tears. 

"Sadly, no. She'll have to wake up on her own." He said and I begin to walk away. I couldn't hear this. The love of my life wasn't waking up, and all I could do was blame myself for this. 

I begin to cry, holding my face in my hands.

"I will let her family see her now." The doctor said. Her parents went with him and I make my way to the waiting room. I sit down on the chair, wiping my tears. 

I get a phone call from Sean and I answer. 

"Dude, I just heard of Y/N on the news. Is she okay?" He asks quickly. 

"No, she's in a coma and they don't know if she'll wake up. This is all my fault Sean, we got into that stupid fight and if she wouldn't have left this wouldn't have happened..."

Sean cuts me off. 

"It's not your fault, Jace. Okay? She'll wake up, I know she will. Y/N is strong, and I know she'll get through this. You just need to be there for her." 

I nod sniffling. 

"Okay." I answer. 

"The cast and I are here for you man. I'll talk to you later?" Sean said. I hang up the phone and look down at the ground. 

I couldn't lose Y/N. The thought of me losing her tore me to pieces. She's the one thing that makes me happy every single day, and losing her would destroy not only me, but everyone that loves her. 

"Jace?" I hear and I look up to see her mother standing up. 

"You can go and see her." She said. I nod, giving her a hug and walking to her room. I open the door slowly, and see her laying there. I look at her and see all the cuts and bruises from the accident. 

Seeing this way broke my heart, and another tear falls down my face. 

I sit in the chair next to her bed and notices all the needles that were poked into her. I grab her hand softly, feeling how cold it was. I look at her to see that she was breathing normally. 

I notice how different she looked. Her skin was pale and the cuts made her unrecognizable. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N. This should have never happened to you." I whisper to her, holding her hand tightly. "And, I never should have yelled at you, and that argument was so stupid." 

She doesn't move, but I knew that she could hear me. 

"And, Y/N. You need to wake up, baby. I don't know what I would do if you were gone. I need you Y/N." I say putting my head on her arm, sobbing. 

-Three Months Later-

I walk up to her door and take a deep breath. I go in, seeing her lay there on the bed looking the same as she did that night. Except, her bruises we gone and her cuts were almost healed. 

"Hey Y/N." I say to her, sitting next to her. I grab her hand like I always did, and kiss the top of her forehead. 

"I finished Season 5 of Henry Danger today, and I have to say, it wasn't easy. Well, none of this has been easy." I say the last part softly. 

"But, I just got a role in a new movie. You're not going to believe how huge this is going to be. This will finally get my career started, and I can finally move out of that crappy apartment that I live in now." I smile looking down at her hand. 

"And I was hoping that, when I do get that new apartment, that you would move in with me. You can even decorate it cause I know you always judged how my last apartment looked and told me that I should decorate better." I laugh lightly but it slowly fades. 

"You just need to wake up, and we can finally start our life together. We all miss you. Your family, my family, the cast, and even Henry. He walks around looking for you everyday. But most importantly, I miss you Y/N." I say. 

"I miss you more than anything, and I just need you to try. Please wake up for me Y/N, please." I croak out, beginning to cry. "Please." 

I put my head on her hand, and kiss it softly. But then, as if I was seeing things, I saw her finger move slightly. I look up at her and see that her eyes were twitching. 

"Oh my god. Y/N?" I stand up, towering over her. Her head begins to move and I quickly push the emergency button next to her bed repeatedly. 

"She's waking up!" I scream, and nurses begin to run into the run. I let them get to her and look her over and her heart. 

"Her heart is speeding up. She's waking up." A nurse said to the other nurses. I watch from the distance, and I couldn't help but smile. She was waking up. 

Then, her eyes opened widely and she began to shift in the bed. 

"Y/N, Y/N, can you hear me?" The nurse asked and she nods her head slowly. 

I pace in circles excitedly. 

"Everything seems to be normal. Quick, sit her up." A nurse said and they begin to sit her up in the bed. Y/N then looked over at me and she shows a small smile. 

I walk over to her and grab her hand. 

"Y/N, I'm so glad you're okay." I cry looking at her. 

"Hey, Jace?" She said softly, speaking for the first time in three months. 

"Yeah, baby?" I say a little concerned. 

"Let's never fight again, okay?" She said and I smile. 


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