this love - henry hart

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I walk down the hallway feeling extra tired today. But it seemed that I felt like this almost every day lately. And by lately, the past few months.

Opening my locker, I stuff my book into it. I grab the other one, and close it to see my best friend standing there. 

"Hey." She smiled softly, leaning against the other lockers. 

"Hey." I answer. 

"Is it one of those days?" She asks frowning, looking at me seeing the dark circles under my eyes. 

"Yeah, I didn't get the best sleep last night." I sigh as we walk to our class. 

If I was going to be honest, I haven't gotten the best sleep in almost three months. The last time I actually slept well was the night before everything went to shit. 

"Listen, today after school, we'll go to my house. And we'll eat a tub of ice cream." She smiled and I give her a small smile back. 

"You know me so well, eating my feelings." I tell her, and she laughs lightly. As we turn the corner, that's when I see him standing there at his locker. 

My best friend notices quickly, seeing me look at him. 

"We can go the other way, I don't mind." She said but I just shake my head. 

"No, it's okay. Let's just go." I mumble, starting to walk nearer to him. But as I get closer, we immediately catch each other's eyes. I look away to the ground, ignoring his stares. 

Henry Hart. My ex of two years. The guy that makes it impossible for me to get out of bed everyday. Let me explain. 

It was a normal Wednesday night, and I was walking to Henry's house. When I arrived, I remembered that Henry left the window unlocked, so I decided to enter his room climbing up the tree. 

As I was climbing, I heard a voice.

"Ray, I just got home, and my girlfriend is coming over." 

I look down to see Henry walking up to the tree, and on the phone. 

"I don't care if you need me, or if it's an emergency. I'm not canceling on Y/N again." He said and I smile. 

"Oh my god." He groans, putting his hand on his forehead. "Fine, fine. I'll just text Y/N, and I'll be there in fifteen." 

I was about to say something, but he grabs a container filled with...gum? He pops one into his mouth, and blows a bubble. I squint at the light that was coming off of him after popping the bubble.

I then look closely. 

Oh my god. 

My boyfriend was Kid Danger.

I jump down from the tree, startling Henry. He then looks at me, and his eyes widen. 

"I can't believe you." I scoff, shaking my head.


"You're kidding me right? I've known you since we were five and we've been dating for two years, and you kept this from me?" I ask. 

"And I have a very good reason..." But I cut him off. 

"Who else knows?" I ask. 

He looks around sighing. He doesn't answer. 

"Who else knows?" I ask again angrily. 

"Jasper, Charlotte, and my sister." He mumbles, and I raise my eyebrows. 

"Oh my god!" I scream throwing my hands up in the air and turning around. 

"But Y/N, they found out on accident. I was doing it to protect you." He said grabbing my arm.

"Protect me? Henry, we've been dating for two years and been best friends since Kindergarten! I mean, even Jasper knows! Were you ever going to tell me?" I ask turning back around to face him. 

"I mean, eventually. When I like, quit or something." He answered, making me groan. 

"I can't believe you." I shake my head. 

"Well, now you know, so we're like okay, right?" He asks me grabbing my hands. I throw his hands away. 

"No, we are not okay Henry. You've been lying to me for five years! Five!" I scream.

"And I'm so sorry. Please know that it wasn't my intention to hurt you." He says. 

"But you did hurt me, Henry." My voice cracked, "And I don't think I can trust you anymore. And trust is something a relationship needs." 

"Don't, Y/N."

"Never talk to me again Henry Hart." I say, tears rolling down my cheeks. He grabs my arm, but I shake him off, running back home. I sobbed all the way home. 

And I haven't talked to him in almost three months. He tried calling, texting, coming to my house, but I had zero reason to talk to him. Even Charlotte tried getting me to forgive him, but I just couldn't. 

And maybe I'm overreacting, but that's five years of keeping that secret from me. And the more I thought about it, the more it all made sense. The way he was always busy and those dumb excuses. 

"Y/N." I hear behind me, making me freeze. I close my eyes. 

"She doesn't really want to talk to you Hart." My best friend said. 

"Just, please. I need to talk to you Y/N." He said. I look at her, giving her a nod. I turn around to face him and nod at him. I follow him to the janitors closet, and he closes the door. 

We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds until he speaks up. 

"How have you been?" He asks, making me laugh lightly. 

"Awful." I answer truthfully. 

"Yeah, me too." 

"What do you want Henry? I thought I told you that I didn't want to talk to you." I sigh.

"I know, and you have every reason to. But Y/N, I can't do this anymore." He said, making me look up at him. 

"During these three months I realized how much I miss you. And, I know what I did was fucked up, like really fucked up. And you didn't deserve to find out my secret like that. I regret it to this day, and things just haven't been the same since that night." He explained. I take in his words. 

"And, you being in danger because of me, and possibly getting hurt..I just couldn't let that happen. And the only way was to keep that secret from you. You just have to know Y/N, that I love you." 

I watch him look at me, waiting for me to say something. 

"Henry..." I sigh. 

"I'm not asking for us to get back together, but I'm just asking for your forgiveness. I just, can't see you everyday and know that we're not on good terms." He said quickly. 

"I have missed talking to Charlotte and Jasper." I smile slightly, and his smile appeared. 

"Do you forgive me?"

I think for a second, but I already knew my answer.

"Yeah, I forgive you." I say, and his smile only grew bigger. 

"Oh my god, thank you Y/N. You will not regret this." He hugged me suddenly. It made me realize how much I missed his touch. I hug him back, putting my head on his chest. 

He lets me go, but we were still very close to one another. He looks down at me, while I looked up at him. 

Then, I do something that I didn't think I was going to do this morning. I press my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. Henry doesn't think twice, and grabs my waist kissing me back. 

He continues to kiss me, but then the school bell rings. I pull away, looking up at him. 

"I don't think friends do that." I giggle. 

"No, they definitely don't."

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