love muffin - henry hart

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Also, this is a long one...oops

"Why would he want us here at midnight on a Thursday?" Henry asked as we all paced the Man Cave. 

"I don't know, but if it's because he had a bad dream again, I am not going to sing him a lullaby this time." Charlotte said shaking her head, going back to pacing. 

We then hear screaming coming from the elevator. 

"Maybe it's an emergency, like maybe he..." but I stopped talking when the elevator door opened to Jasper on the floor. 

"I'm here!" Jasper said walking in with an American flag onesie curlers?

"That's an emergency..." Henry pointed at Jasper, and walked away to stand next to me.

"Are you...why would...curlers?!" Charlotte said confused, walking towards Jasper. 

"What? You thought my hair was NATURALLY curly?" Jasper asked. I roll my eyes at him, but then the tube went down. We all look over and see Ray coming down. 

"Heyyy." He said all weird, smiling like an idiot. "Hello friends, welcome, welcome."



We all said looking him at concerned.

"And now, I want to introduce you to someone who is very special." He said while another tube came down. We all look over and a women came down the tube. 

"Who's that?" I whisper to Henry.

"I don't know." He whispered back as well stood in shock. "Like a woman."

"Yeah." Jasper said, making me and Charlotte look at them both. 

Then, Ray kissed the woman. 

"Everyone, this is Gwen." Ray said leading her towards us. I look at Henry and he looks at me. 

"Hi guys." She said, holding Ray in her arms. I raise an eyebrow, looking at them. 

"Uhhh, heyyy Gwen." We all said, giving small waves. 

"Yeah, Ray, can I talk to you for a second. One second." He said pulling Ray off her, and moving towards the other side of the cave. I watch them talk, and then look at Gwen. She gives me a small smile and I give one back. 

They continue talking and I look at Jasper and Charlotte trying to understand what was going on. 

Ray was the last person to tell anyone that he was Captain Man, which confused me on how he could tell this lady that we've never met. 

"Hey honey! I'll bet you'll never guess who this lovable knucklehead really is!" Ray said putting his arm around his shoulder. We all begin to say no, trying to stop him. 

"Kid Danger!" He laughs, making Henry push him off. "It's okay, Gwen knows that I'm Captain Man." 

"Ray!" We all screamed. I sigh, throwing my hands up in the air. 

"And guess what else," Ray walked up to Gwen taking her hand, "Gwen and I...we're getting married." 

Then, Schwoz walked in. 

"Heyyy. What is happening?" He said in that accent, walking towards us. 

"Ray is getting married to a women he met three hours ago." Henry blurted out, making Schwoz scream what. 

Schwoz begins to question, until he looks at Jasper. 

"Why does Jasper have those things on his head?" He asked pointing at Jasper's hair. 

Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now