help you - henry hart

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Maybe walking around Swellview at night was not a good idea. Especially when I got beat the shit out of. 

I was currently walking to Junk N' Stuff, face covered in blood, clothes tattered, and missing my left shoe. I had no idea how I was going to explain this to my boss and best friend, and try to explain the brutal fight at midnight. Well, it is a very Y/N story. 

I scanned the shop and headed to the elevator to head down to the Man Cave, where they should be. The elevator ride was long and painful, but I didn't have trouble standing up even though I was going over 100 miles per hour. I was dizzy as hell and there was still blood dripping from my nose. 

Not to mention that big gash on my cheek and the cuts on my forehead. I kicked the one sneaker off as the doors opened. I look up to see Ray and Henry sitting around and talking. 

I stumbled into the cave, making them turn around. It took a moment for one of them to process my appearance, but the next few seconds Henry jumped out of his seat and running towards me. 


I looked at him and gave a small wave. 

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Long story..."

"And...and where are your shoes?"

"Again," I muttered, "long story." 

He puts an arm around me and soon Ray walks up to us angrily. I knew that I was going to get a speech right here and right now about walking alone to Junk N' Stuff late at night. 

"Maybe later, Ray. She's really beat up." Henry said pulling me towards the bedrooms behind the door. Ray sighs, heading back to the couch. 

"Yeah, just go through there." He said watching Henry help me up the stairs. 

He took my bloody hand and dragged me to the guest quarters. It wasn't a long walk and he made sure I didn't fall along the way. Once we made it to the spare bathroom, I flopped on the floor. 

Henry retrieved a first aid kit from a cabinet in the bathroom and sat down on the floor next to me. 

"Can you get up?"

"No. No. I'm fine. I'm just gonna go to bed right here. Goodnight Hen." I replied, beginning to close my eyes and make myself comfortable. 

"Y/N." Henry said in a stern voice, "please, just let me help you?"

"Okay." I say sitting myself up, groaning in the process. 

"Mind telling me what happened?" He said opening the first aid kit. 

"I was walking to Junk N' Stuff, decided to take the shortcut..."

"You mean the dark alleyway?" Henry groaned. 

"Yes! It was the fastest way here!" But Henry just shakes his head. 

"Anyway, this guy wanted to steal my purse, but I don't own a purse. Which I told him that, but he just sliced my cheek in the process. And then he took a swing at me, but I dodged it because I'm just that badass." 

Henry just raised his eyebrows at me. 

"Well, most of the time," I answered, and he continued to listen intently while cleaning off the wounds and bloody nose on my face. 

"So I sock him in the jaw, as one would. But that only made him angrier, and he sliced my forehead and punched me in the nose. And then he asked for money and shit, which gave me enough time to knock him out. So now the dude is just laying in that alley right now. But I'm seriously okay, Henry." 

"God, Y/N. I don't think you are okay. You're bleeding everywhere, you're trying to be funny in a serious situation, and your shoes are missing." 

I laugh lightly, but wince when Henry stuck something to my cheek that stung. 

"I guess I'll need new shoes." I smile at him, but he just shakes his head. 

"I'm fine, really." I tell him as he helps me up from the floor. 

"As a concerned best friend, you're not. Besides, why were you even out this late? I could have picked you up." 

"It was just a causal walk." I shrug my shoulders. 

"It wasn't that casual if you got beat up."

"You should see the other guy."

Henry laughed, "I'm gonna take care of you." 

Henry helped me change into some extra clothes that were laying around, definitely not staring at me in any way because he's my best friend, even though a part of me wanted him to be more. He then got an ice pack for my chest that had several bruises. He laid me on the bed and the pressed the pack to my chest and I groaned in pain. 

"Oh Y/N, I'm sorry." Henry said in a sweet voice. 

He kept his hand on top of the ice pack to keep it in place as I looked at him. He was sitting up next to me on the bed, looking down at the ice with the most worrisome eyes ever. He was all cute with that stupid flannel and messy hair because it was so late. He looked tired but I knew that he would stay up to take care of me no matter what. But that was just Henry when it came to me. 

He then looked in my eyes, seeing mine, and smiled. I knew that he knew that I was going to be okay, but he was still scared to see his best friend in pain. 

"Stay?" I ask. 

"Of course." 

I placed my hand on top of his, it was cold from touching the ice. I yanked him closed to me and he got under the covers with me. The rest of his body was warm, and I snuggled into his side. 

"Thank you, for everything Henry." 

"No problem. I just wanna make sure that you're safe. I couldn't bear to see something worse happen to you." He said as he stroked my hair. I melt in his touch, getting closer to him. 

"I'll try." I smiled. 

I loved Henry. 

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