spending the night - henry hart

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"Tonight's the night, isn't it?" 

I turn around from my locker to see Charlotte standing there, her arms crossed over her chest. I look down at her, smiling slightly. 

"Maybe." I say turning back around to close my locker, and heading for my class. 

"And you're not nervous?" She asks me, following behind me like a lost puppy. I sigh, slowing down and letting her catch up to me. 

"Of course I am, this is the first night I'm spending the night at Henry's since we've been dating. I'm freaking out." I whisper the last part. She wiggles her eyebrows, making me laugh and shove her. 

"I'm just spending the night, Charlotte. None of that. Besides, his little sister will literally be across the hall." I tell her and she sighs. 

"As much as I love you both and hate to think about you two, you know...doing that...you two have been dating for almost two years now, and you're finally just now sleeping in the same bed together." 

We walk into the classroom, taking our seats, with Charlotte sitting in front of me. She turns around quickly, going back to looking at me. 

"You know Henry and I, we like to take things slow. And honestly, this is a step in the right direction." I tell her, and before she could say anything, the bell rang the teacher began to talk. 

"We'll talk about this later." She warns, turning back around and pulling out her notebook. I do the same, but during the whole class, I couldn't stop thinking about tonight. 


I make my way over to Henry's after school, like I did almost everyday. Except, we had a plan. 

"Y/N, always a pleasure." Henry's father says letting me walk into the house and I smile. "He's in his room."

I nodded and make my way upstairs. When I turn the corner into his room, Henry was sitting on his bed looking at his phone. 

"You think this plan will really work?" I ask, making him look up at me. 

He smiles at me, and stands up to hug me. 

"I miss you too." He said kissing my forehead and going back to his bed. I follow him, setting my bag on the floor and laying down. 

"What's the plan again?" I ask looking up at the ceiling. I feel him lay down next to me and I look over to see him looking up as well. 

"Well, you stay for dinner, we do some homework, and my parents watch you walk out the door to go home. Then, you climb up the tree and I open the window for you." He said.

"And I told my parents that I'm staying over at Charlotte's tonight." 

"See? Nothing to worry about." He smiles, rolling over on his stomach, his face above mine. 

"I don't know Henry. You know me, I don't like to break the rules..."

But he cuts me off by kissing me softly. I smile into the kiss, shaking my head, making him release the kiss. 

"While I enjoy kissing you, Henry. It still doesn't help me not feel anxious." I say running my hand through his hair. 

"If anything, the worst that could happen is you'd be grounded." 

"Or my parents will forbid me to see you again." I answer back. 

Henry narrows his eyes, smirking. 

"Like that'll happen. No offense, Y/N. But you can't get rid of me, even if you tried." He grabbed my waist, pulling me on top of him. I squeal at his movements and I giggle putting my face in the crook of his neck. 

After eating dinner and finishing our homework, it was already 9 pm. 

"Henry! It's time for Y/N to go home!" Mrs. Hart screamed from downstairs. I get up from the bed and so does Henry. 

"Remember the plan." He whispers and I nod. 

"It doesn't help that I'm afraid of heights, Hart." I sigh looking at the window. 

"And I'll be there the entire time. Don't worry." 

I nod releasing his hand and going downstairs, leaving Henry up there. 

"Thanks for dinner and letting me hang out here, Mr. and Mrs. Hart." I smile walking to the door. 

"Of course Y/N. You're welcome here anytime." Mrs. Hart smiles. I give them another wave goodbye and leave the house. I look through the window to see if they were looking, and could see them heading for their bedroom. 

I take a deep breath, and run to the side of the house. Looking up at the tree, I groan. I've seen Henry and Charlotte climb up this tree a million times, and it look pretty simple. But now that I was standing right underneath it, I was already thinking of backing out. 

That's when I hear the window open, and seeing Henry's face popping out. 

"Well, what are you waiting for?" He whispers, ushering me up. 

I rub my hands together, and reach for the first branch. I lodge my foot in between the trunks, hoisting myself up. I continue to climb, but when I look down, I see how far up I actually am. It when then did I regret every decision up to this moment. 

"You're close, babe. A few more inches, and I'll grab your hand." I hear him say. I groan, reaching for another branch. I was finally getting a little more confident, but that's when I feel my foot slip. 

"Fuck, fuck." I mumble, sliding down a little, scraping my knee on the trunk of the tree. But I continue to hold on to a branch, and sigh. 

That's when I feel a hand grab my forearm, hoisting me up to the top branch.

"Oh thank god." I say, seeing Henry standing on the tree branch with me. 

He helps me into the window, him following after. 

"I'm never doing that again." I whisper, jumping down from the platform in his room. 

"It'll get easier." He smiled coming over to me. He then stops. 

"You're bleeding." He said looking down at my knee. I do the same, seeing the damage. Blood was running down my leg. 

"Wait here." He said setting me down on the bed and heading for the bathroom. He comes back with a towel and a bandaid. 

He kneels down on the floor, beginning to clean up the blood. I groan when the towel stings the scrap and he mumbles a small sorry. After he put the bandaid on, he helps me off the bed. 

"I'm going to go change." I tell him grabbing my backpack but he stops me. 

"You know, you could just change here." He mumbles looking into my eyes. "And besides, you can't walk out there. What if my parents, or Piper see you?"

I realize he is right and roll my eyes. 

"Turn around, Hart." I tell him.

"Okay, okay." He says sitting on the other side of the bed, so his back was facing me. I begin to change into some shorts and a tank top.

"Okay, you can turn around." I smile, hopping on the bed. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. He turns around and kisses me. 

He stands up, pushing me back on the bed slowly still kissing me. His body hover overs mine, holding me tightly against him.

"You wanna watch a movie?" He asks, lifting his head up. 

"And cuddles?" I ask.

"And cuddles." He answered, laying beside me and pulling the covers over us.  

He turns on the TV, holding me close to him.

"I love you Henry." I mumble into his chest. 

"I love you more." 

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