Chapter 19 // Let Go

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(Her lekku and montrals are still slightly shorter than in the pic)

Before Ahsoka could jump into action, something clicked in her mind. This wasn't some random soldier or guard of the enemy base. The entity that stood behind her held the same voice as the leader that she had seen in her vision.

She wasn't cutting off limbs at this point.

She was at the head.

"I know what you're thinking," he chuckled deeply, the sound of another lightsaber's energy crackling as he ignited it. "You believe that your mission will be easy now that you've found the big boss. Rest assured, little lady, you're no match for me."

"We'll see about that," Ahsoka cautiously returned, pivoting on her heel to face her opponent. He had pale, sickly-looking skin with vibrant gold Sith eyes and a multitude of scars running down his face. Unlike all of the other enemies of this base she had seen, his lightsaber was crudely constructed and blared a merciless blood red.

Even though her senses warned her against it, she decided that having extra layers would slow her down, so she shrugged her robes off Obi-Wan-style. As they hit the ground, a soft growl was emitted from the Sith's throat.

"YOU!" He snarled, pointing his lightsaber at her throat. "You nasty little schutta. I'll make sure you die a miserable death for your actions."

"Not generally the reaction I get from others," Ahsoka noted disdainfully, scowling at the name he had called her. "But I suppose your opinion of me is as valuable as bantha fodder, sleemo. Now, are you going to fight me like a man or stand there like a coward?"

Without receiving further prodding, the Sith exploded into his first attack. With all the rage and strength of a madman, he brought his hot-bladed weapon down onto her head. Utilizing her quick reflexes, Ahsoka easily parried them and shifted to the right, allowing his lightsaber to slip and dig into the hard metal of the ground. However, he soon yanked it back up and struck again, this time relying more on technique than strength.

The two of them took turns slashing at each other's legs and torsos, but neither found their mark. Both were beginning to grow tired, but neither yielded. Ahsoka decided it was time to take the duel to the next level.

During his next swipe, Ahsoka flipped backward and landed on her feet in a crouch position, then removed several fingers from the grip of her lightsaber and opened them towards the Sith. Through her connection to the Force, she took command of his body and harshly slammed it into a wall, then jerked him away and threw him towards a desk. Despite his dazed state, he regained control of himself and landed on top of the counter. He then performed an intricate display of twists and flips as he sailed towards the Togruta, slashing at her with his saber.

Even though she hadn't predicted his quick snapback, she readjusted her stance and shielded his attack. She tried to use the fact that she dual-wielded to her advantage, but it appeared to make no difference. Despite how hastily and frequently she struck at him, the Sith was always ready to block her shots. She couldn't help but wonder if his words were really true; she was no match for him.

The Togruta Force-pushed herself off the ground and flipped over him, taking a swipe at his head as she went, but he used his saber to block her strike and push her away. It took effort, but she was able to steady herself in time and land in a stable position. From there, she took off sprinting and charged him, but he stood as firm as a stone and shrugged off her force. The Sith then began to form an offensive stance and jabbed at her with unpredictable movements.

"What's wrong little girl, can't keep up?" He taunted, withdrawing his lightsaber as fast as light speed and aiming it at her head. The Togruta managed to fend off the strike once more, but it was much too close to her montral for comfort. Ahsoka ducked and kicked her leg out, moving it across the ground in a sweeping-like motion to trip the Sith, but he simply rolled out of the fall and leaped back up.

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