Chapter 7 // A Shadowed Organization

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You know what, I'm not even going to bother with saying this chapter is short. THIS BOOK IS SO HARD FOR ME TO MAKE LONG CHAPTERS!!!!

Well, if any of you fellow readers follow my book New Identity, at least I made that chapter long as a bit of compensation. I think I'm going to update A Ripple in Time next? I'm not sure. To be honest, this is really the only book I have high hopes for out of all of the ones I'm writing at the moment.

Days in the shadows were grim, bleak, and mostly aggravatingly frustrating, but it was finally time for a certain organization to step out of the dark. Of course, secrecy was still a vital key to success, but the group sure did enjoy being able to stretch their muscles and finally put their hard-earned talent to use. In their base, nothing came without work and pain.

Although, for anybody else that wasn't a part of their beliefs and practices, no pity was given to them. In fact, quite the opposite.

They were the Jedi murderers.

To say they took pride in their work was an understatement. With each passing mission and each passing success, they were coming closer to accomplishing their goal. If their former director would've been alive to see their progress, they were sure that he would be greatly pleased.

However, due to a certain Togruta that every single member of their organization had grown to hate with a fiery passion because of her defeating their late director. If she was still alive, there would be a line of people that's only wish was to run their weapon through her heart, but, unfortunately for them, she had died in the Battle of Exegol.

A small sense of vengeance flooded their minds though as they thought of their plan that was unfolding. They would take away the very thing that the kriffing Togruta valued the most in her life: the Jedi. So far, they had taken down about 25 of the painfully oblivious Light Side users without a single drop of evidence left behind. Although, despite this, there was something that caused the previously confident and slightly cocky organization members to falter and inwardly tremble in anxiety.

Someone was on to them. Someone had known that they would attack the four Jedi that were stationed on the planet of Utupau. Someone had saved the younger female of the bunch on that same planet. Not even their highest ranking commander, who would soon serve in the opened position of director, could fathom any reason about how their mystery opponent had been informed of their plan of action. Then, to top it all off, there had been murmurs and quiet gossiping about just how strong their newfound enemy was. None of the organization knew how much of the story was real and how much of it was dramatically emphasized, but they all braced themselves for the more daring and bold versions of the partially-failed mission.

Though, admittedly, the most baffled and nervous soldier of the entire field was the highest-ranking officer himself. Some of the commanders that he supervised had brushed off the incident as pure coincidence, but he had that gut feeling that he was positive was fueled by the Force itself that this was much more than that. The more he inwardly pondered and questioned every angle about the situation, the more questions he gained, and the more the intensity of the pounding of his head increased. He knew it was quite literally impossible for there to be a leak in the organization. The method of processing that their members went through made sure that there was not a single traitor in the mix to be found. So, if the information wasn't spread by the soldiers, then by what?

Several of the specialists that happened to be walking past his office in their usual formation were quite startled when they heard loud banging and frustrated shouts emitting from his room. However, the majority of them had already grown accustomed to this occurrence so they quickly wrote it off as him having an anger-filled outbreak and wrecking any portable object in his vicinity. To be quite honest, there were even several of the specialists that began to wonder if he was growing more and more psychotically insane.

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