Chapter 15 // The 'Team'

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I suddenly feel like this book has taken a hard turn from the introduction phase and into the main action. Time has flown, huh?

Also, if you like this book, make sure to go vote on my announcement. If this one wins, it'll get finished before Christmas!

"Anakin. Anakin, do you copy?"

The Jedi Master looked down at his wrist comms and sighed. He had forgotten all about Obi-Wan and the Council.

"Yes, Master. I'm here."

"So, was it just a false alarm?"

Anakin nervously looked away. He didn't want to lie to Obi-Wan, but he also didn't want to share any sensitive information. Ahsoka had made it extremely clear that the Council was not to know about the enemy base or who the identity of the Gifted was.

"Who all is with you?"

"I don't possibly see how that matters..."

"Answer me, Obi-Wan."

"Master Unduli and her padawan are with me."

The Jedi paused and looked around his ship. Both he and Ahsoka had decided to reside here for the next couple of days, or at least until they figure out a plan of action. He would've asked the Togruta for her opinion on the matters, but she was in her at the moment. Finally, after a moment of debate, he decided that even if Ahsoka had been close with Luminara and Barriss, he wouldn't share any information with them.

"Remove yourself from the room. Nobody else can hear this."

"I'll try not to take that offensively, Master Skywalker," a feminine voice replied, slightly put off.

"I'm sorry," Anakin sighed. "But it's not my place to tell anyone else."

After a couple of moments of shuffling and commotion, Obi-Wan said, "Alright. I'm alone now. What is it?"

"I was right." Anakin plainly answered.


The young Jedi paused at this. He wanted to tell his old master everything, but having an aggravated Ahsoka around was the last thing he needed.

"The Gifter was the one that reached out to me," he finally mustered, though his voice was shaky with uncertainty. "Look Obi-Wan, I need to go right now. I'll contact you later with additional information."

"Alright Anakin," the older man apprehensively replied. "Don't wait too long though, the Council is already growing suspicious of your journey."

"Will do sir. Oh, and Master?" Anakin asked before Obi-Wan hung up.


"Keep an eye on the five-oh-first. I need them alive, and Force knows what they'll get themselves into on their own..."

"Anakin," Obi-Wan interrupted. "You do realize that you're normally at the head of every prank they've ever pulled?"

The Chosen One awkwardly chuckled at this statement, then fired back snippily, "I only learned it from the best."

"Do not dare think for a second that I ever encouraged..."

"Bye Obi-Wan!" Anakin chimed with a sarcastic smile, then ended their call. He could even feel small, aggravated waves of the Force coming from his old Master.

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