Chapter 17 // Uncover {Part One}

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Can I get a refund on my real-life 'friends'? Like seriously. They've gotten on my last nerve.

ANYWAYS, enjoy the chapter! Next one should be out late tonight or sometime tomorrow morning.

[O N   E N D O R ,   L O C A L   T I M E   100]

The sense of deja-vu was almost unnerving for the Togruta. Every trickle of air that brushed against her nose to each crackling leaf underfoot reminded her of the fateful night that she had been captured. Even the feeling of the cold metal of her lightsaber pressed up against her palm sent shivers of anxiety down her spine. Hopefully, this mission wasn't going to crash and burn as her other one had.

"Three klicks out," she warned them, keeping her voice low and soft. "Watch for sentinels." A heavy, suffocating blanket of uneasiness settled over them; the group shared solemn glances,

Barriss and Rex wordlessly fell into pace behind the Gray Jedi and heeded her words. Their eyes nervously flitted about, nearly equaling the observant qualities of the Togruta. However, unlike them, the Togruta had already calculated their surroundings and determined a multitude of issues.

Their defense has gotten stronger, Ahsoka grimly noted to herself, pursing her lips in frustration. She could sense the presence of several enemies in the thicket ahead. Supposedly they had learned their lesson after her easy bypass of security, which didn't surprise her. Ahsoka's escaping meant one thing to them: someone living knew that they existed.

Tremors of terror raked through her mind as she imagined what would happen if they caught her. She had escaped once. They wouldn't let it happen again.

"-soka? Ahsoka," Barriss hissed, obviously perturbed by her lack of attention. "We're only a click and a half out! Get your head out of the clouds."

"Darling, I wish that was the case," Ahsoka shook her head with a sigh. Then, as Barriss' words replayed in her head, her feet dug into the ground and she skidded to a stop. Realizing her mistake, Ahsoka threw up a hand and indicated everyone to dodge behind some form of cover. She had completely forgotten about the sentinels, and according to her observations, one was smack-dab in front of them.

"Ahsoka," Rex admonished underneath his breath. Despite the overly-dark mood and current deadly situation, Ahsoka couldn't help but crack a smile at him using her real name. She quickly wiped the expression off of her face and pivoted her glance around, surveying her surroundings.

"One o'clock, second branch of the widest redwood tree. You get him, I'll take out the other."

With a nod, the two simultaneously rolled out from behind the fallen trunk and aimed at their target. Rex, with his proven marksmanship skills, easily aimed and picked the sentinel out of the tree. The blue ring of electricity crackled and popped as it sailed towards him, then cleanly overtook his body and caused the enemy to pass out. Ahsoka reached up towards a higher limb and jerked an opponent out of its leaves.

The sentinel that Ahsoka had taken on was much more nimble and skilled. Using its own enhanced Force abilities, it ripped away from her invisible grasp and landed on their feet. The enemy unsheathed a lightsaber from its weapon belt and ignited it. The blade burned a fierce orange, which vaguely outlined the tan and feminine features of its face. Before the Togruta could interpret what was going on, the enemy lunged with a loud hiss and violently swung her saber. Ahsoka easily parried it with her already-drawn right lightsaber, but she wasn't prepared for the onslaught of rapid strikes she was receiving. The sentinel fought as though it was a deranged scavenger, yet it somehow possessed the grace and analyzation of a ballerina.

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