Chapter 18 // Uncover {Part Two}

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We're back :D

A little late, but we're back nonetheless.

3 more days 'till Christmas!

[ O N E N D O R , L O C A L T I M E 2 5 0 ]

    "Haha, that's cute," Ahsoka sniggered. After both hers and Luke's entrance through the vents, they had decided that placing a metal sheet over the hole would be sufficient enough to keep the Jedi out.

    With a flick of her wrist, the snow-white blade of her right saber was ignited, allowing her to swoop down and slice the metal in a circle. However, as the sizzling-hot surface of the weapon came in contact with the material, it was blocked.

    "But... how.... what?" She stammered, pulling up her lightsaber before striking again.

    Rex held up a hand for her to stop, then leaned over and wrapped his fingers across the surface. He marveled at his discovery before turning around to Ahsoka with wide eyes. "It's beskar."

    "Beskar?" Ahsoka echoed. "How is that possible?"

    "Pirates steal the ore from Mandalore from time to time," Rex sighed. "They must've gotten their hands on some. It's an extreme dishonor to our people; beskar must remain in the hands of the Mandalorians."

    "What do we do now?" Ahsoka sighed, retracting her lightsaber and returning it to its hilt.

    Both Rex and Ahsoka sat in silence as they pondered other possibilities, but Barriss simply stared at them in shock and disgust. "You guys... really? C'mon, I thought you all were supposed to be some of the sensible people in the galaxy!"

    "What do you mean?" Rex shot back, then awkwardly rubbed his arm as he realized that he had just snapped at a superior.

    "Sure, that's beskar," Barriss rolled her eyes, pointing at the metal circle. She then moved her index finger slightly to the right. "But that is still your every day, useless metal."


    With a sheepish smile, Ahsoka nodded and carved out a circle around the Beskar. When it was freed, she caught it with the Force and hovered it towards Rex.

    "I believe this is yours," she grinned, giving the captain a wink. However, as she shifted it to the captain's possession, he groaned and dropped to the ground. "Oh, right, that's probably really heavy. Here, we'll come back for that later."

    With a relieved grunt, he slid the Beskar to the side and joined the Force-sensitives.

    Ahsoka chuckled in disbelief at what she was witnessing. She had sworn to herself that she wouldn't attempt to sneak as she did before, but here she was, retracing the exact same steps. Force, this was going to be embarrassing if Luke had to return again to rescue her sorry arse.

    "After you," Barriss enthused, gesturing between the hole and Ahsoka.

    "Gee, thanks," the Togruta rolled her eyes, returning her weapon to her belt and crouching beside the opening. Finally, with a grind of her teeth and a sigh, she pushed herself over the edge.

    Sailing through the pitch-black air was an experience she wished she wouldn't have to encounter a third time. A cold, musty gust of air assaulted her nostrils and her stomach felt as though it was non-existent. More or less, it was just miserable.

    Of course, she could be biased...

    Nah, she totally wasn't making a huge deal out of everything just because she was a hellish mix of petrified and exasperated.

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