Epilogue {Part Three} // Auntie

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This one isn't sad per se, just adorable and an attempt at being funny. I don't know, I was half-asleep while writing some of this so I apologize if parts of the chapter sound like complete nonsense XD

Anakin slowly rose his steaming caf to his face, then allowed the bitter liquid to graze over his lips and trickle into his mouth. His arm was more than shaky, and dark circles prominently outlined his eyes.

"Anakin, you need to get some sleep. When was the last time you even left this room?" Obi-Wan pressed, leaning up against the door frame of the medical bay room. Needless to say, the younger Jedi hadn't caved into Obi-Wan's pleas for the past several days.

"Ten minutes ago. I got a caf."

The Jedi Master groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Anakin, you're quite literally the worst liar I've ever met before. I walked past the nurse that brought you that."

For a second, it looked like Anakin truly was about to react. However, just as quickly as it came it passed, and he was back to his emotionless state. "I don't need sleep. I have caffeine."

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when your systems start shutting down because that's the FOURTEENTH CONSECUTIVE CUP YOU'VE DRANK TODAY!"

"You've mistaken me for someone who cares, Master."

Obi-Wan threw up his hands in defeat. "You're hopeless, Anakin."

For the first time out of the past three days, a glimmer of emotion shone in the Jedi's eyes. "A hopeless romantic, you mean," he shot back with a large smirk.

"I swear to the Force, one of these days I'm gonna chop all your limbs off and leave you on Mustafar to burn," Obi-Wan growled, stalking out of the room. Anakin stifled a laugh as he returned back to drinking his beverage and reading the holonews. So far from what he'd read, nothing exciting was really going on in the galaxy at the moment. In fact, he still occasionally came across stations that were still cycling the news about the lightsabers getting stolen from Ahsoka's tomb.


"Obi-Wan, if you don't stop pesteri- oh. Hello there, Rex!"

"Hello, sir. How's Ahsoka?"

Anakin let out a shaky sigh, sparing a glance at the Togruta's motionless body before turning back to the clone. "The same as she was eight days ago."

"I can't wait to have her back," Rex admitted with a coy smile. He strode up to Ahsoka's cot and observed her state. Thankfully, her face had regained color and her breathing had evened out. Much to his relief, she no longer looked like somebody that should be dead.

"She should be waking up any day now, right?" He questioned, turning to look at his general.

"That's what the healers said," Anakin confirmed. "But this is Ahsoka we're talking about. You know as well as I do that she has a mind of her own."

Rex sighed; Anakin was right. According to past experiences, the Togruta would simply wake up whenever the kriff she wanted. That could be either when she's two breaths away from dying, or four months into a coma that she shouldn't even have had in the first place.

"C'mon, 'Soka. The boys are all lined up at 79's waiting for you," he whispered, a small smile toying with his lips. The clone's eyes lit up with joy and excitement as he watched her hand twitch and her face scrunch up slightly, but the light gradually faded away from his features as she returned to normal.

"Would you look at this? The news got a hold of what Ahsoka did and made a memorial for her!" Anakin exclaimed, gesturing for the clone to come over. Rex obliged and began studying the holopad.

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