Chapter 3 // Just Another Day at the Job

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I'm back peeps!

I would wish Cap a happy birthday too but most of y'all probably ain't in the MCU so I'll keep my star-spangled mouth shut

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I would wish Cap a happy birthday too but most of y'all probably ain't in the MCU so I'll keep my star-spangled mouth shut.

"Master Skywalker," Obi-Wan acknowledged, only using formalities because they were surrounded by what remained of the Council. Several of the masters had died in combat during the Battle of Exegol, consisting of Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesee Tiin, C. Trebor, and Adi Gallia. Their deaths were mourned, but none compared to the feeling of sorrow that was still being held for Ahsoka. "Why did you wish to speak to the whole Council?"

"On top of the deaths on Jedha, something alarming has happened," he began, catching the attention of all of the Council members. "Last night, Knight Tano's burial chambers were broken into and her lightsabers were stolen."

A collective, almost theatrical-like gasp broke out. Mace Windu was the first to speak up with, "Do we have any idea if these events are related?"

Anakin couldn't help but inwardly smile at the somewhat gentle tone of the Jedi Master. Ever since Ahsoka's sacrifice on Exegol, something had changed inside of him. Now he was a much softer Jedi that agreed to not following the Code as strictly as he had done before. To say in the least, his change of heart had been very welcomed amongst the other Jedi.

"There's no evidence, not even a camera feed," Anakin explained, taking a seat beside Obi-Wan.

"It's practically impossible to break into the Temple, let alone a secure place like Tano's. This had to have been the work of a Force-sensitive." Obi-Wan scratched his chin, a sign of deep thought.

"Dooku, surely not," Yoda replied.

"Who else then? It's not like one of our own would do that," Anakin argued, but he instantly hushed after his last few words. "Or... could they? It would definitely have been easier for someone on the inside to steal them."

"But why do that? Why Knight Tano's? Why not just go for any other Jedi's?" Shaak Ti asked, furthering the confusion that the Council was in.

"They must be trying to figure out why Ahsoka was so strong. If there was any place to begin looking, it would be her lightsabers. It's the only thing left that could have any clues," Anakin guessed.

"Not the only thing," Obi-Wan corrected. "There was a certain droid that I remember her taking on her secretive trips..."


The Gray Jedi let out a growl as she Force-pushed two entire rows of battle droids into the rest of the legions, using enough force to crush them. She turned to her left, to which she encountered a hallway of droidekas that were rolling her way.

She grunted and rolled her eyes, then removed her lightsabers from her belt and powered them on. She ran headfirst to meet them, using one of her blades to deflect blaster fire from herself and using the other to stab into the main systems of the so-called death balls. Everything seemed so much harder back then, when she was without her extra powers and guidance from the Ones. Nowadays, the sky was the limit with what she could take on.

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