Chapter 12 // Captivity (Again?!)

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Hi everyone! I'm in a bit of a rush right now, so no pre-chapter chat. Enjoy!

"R2? Did you hear that?" A Jedi asked worriedly, Within a moment's time, his trusty companion replied with a series of non-affirmative chirps and whistles. He sighed, turning back to the fighter's controls. "That's... strange. I could've sworn I heard someone telling me to go to Endor. You sure bud?"

This time the droid's response was a bit more annoyed.

"Alright, alright, geez. I'm just hearing things. But... nah. No, I'm just tired." After a minute of silence, save for the clacking sound of him punching in coordinates to the hyperdrive, his thoughts finally consumed him.

"I wasn't imagining it R2," he determinedly stated, pausing for a moment so the droid could get in his two-cents before adding, "I just have a feeling that it's real. I dunno, like I know this person or something? But who has a feminine voice like that?"

Finally fed up with how this conversation was getting nowhere, R2 angrily whistled at the Jedi Master.

"Alright, alright, I'll go check it out for myself. The Order will be okay without me for a couple of hours."

With one last nod, somewhat to assure himself, the Skywalker adjusted the coordinates.


"So, ready to spill now?" The man asked in an irritated tone after finally powering off the machine. Ahsoka sharply withdrew a ragged breath, trying to ignore the tidal wave of pain that washed over her body. Even single millimeter of movement made her want to burst into tears. "I mean, if not, I can move you to one of our more advanced contraptions. That one seems to have a raised percentage of success."

"You ever heard of not physically being able to talk, moron?" She managed to rasp out, cringing at the tremendous shocks of pain that were emitted from this mere action.

"Does it look like I'm someone who cares?" He laughed, then stalked towards her with a freakish grin. "I'm not going to complain though. At least the stranger speaks."

"If you think you're going to get anything useful out of me, you're gravely mistaken," Ahsoka snarled. "I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to. I've got nothing to give."

"Everyone has their secrets," he shrugged. "I'll find yours out in due time. Now let's start with the basics. Name?"

"You can call me the woman that's going to end your whole career," the Togruta spat.

"Please do tell," he laughed incredulously. "Because, if you haven't noticed, you're kind of under my control at the moment."

"We'll see about that."

"Well, since your name seems to be a touchy subject for you, we can move on. How did you get here?"

"You're not exactly the most hidden. Or the best guarded. Breaking in was easy."

For seemingly no reason at all, perhaps it was just because she was finally wearing on his last nerve, his calm broke and his voice was filled with rage. Slamming his fist down onto part of the control panel, he snarled, "You only found this place because you were looking."

Ahsoka winced at his harsh tone. After a couple of moments of heavy, furious breathing, the man finally managed to gain his composure enough to continue. "You found this place because you knew it was here. This is no accident. I want to know who sent you here."

"You're out of luck then," Ahsoka said flatly. "I came here on my own terms. I associate with no one but the Force."

"LIES!" He spat fiercely, getting up in Ahsoka's face. "You're a Jedi. I know you are."

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