Chapter 13 // Who Are You?

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And we're back!

It's a little short, but I wanted to go ahead and get this chapter out ASAP. I'm really, really excited for y'all's reactions to what's about to go down.

"No. No way. That's the worst idea ever," the Jedi shook his head, peering down into the circle of doom. He turned to R2-D2, but received no support from the droid. "Really? You think I'm just going to jump into that black hol- AGGHH!"

    The Skywalker mentally rattled off a list of ... colorful... words at the droid that had pushed him in. He looked up to see the robot using his thrusters to gracefully follow him, not a care in the galaxy.

    "I'll get you back for this... you little bantha," he spat, then suddenly realized that he was falling down a seemingly endless hole in the middle of an enemy base. Yeah, this was definitely going to end well.

    After about a minute of falling, he began to sense ground coming dangerously quickly. He outstretched his hands to the ground, then used the Force just in time to slow his speed and land softly. He moved out of the way just in time for R2 -D2 to touch the ground beside him.

    "Maybe I should've left you at the fighter," the Skywalker hummed quietly. Not only was he still salty about what had just happened, but it was going to be a lot harder to stay concealed if he had an entire droid with him as well. He eventually shrugged and walked forward, then studied the vent. He wasn't sure how the person from before had gotten out- the vent seemed perfectly normal and untampered with. Not a single scratch was to be found.

    "We better hurry after this," the Jedi sighed as he withdrew his lightsaber from his belt. "It's not going to take long for them to notice this."

    Using the tip of the hot blade, he cut through the metal of the vent, creating an open large enough for the both of them to crawl out of. He went first, eying the hall t make sure it was empty, then gestured for R2-D2 to follow.

    "Alright, where are you?" the Jedi hummed as the two of them quickly made their way down the hall. He paused and outstretched his hand to feel around through the Force. After a mere moment of searching, he locked onto the woman's strong presence and started running again.

    "Turn left," he quietly instructed, then hung a sharp left around a corner. So far it seemed as though he would be fine. Apparently this base wasn't too worried about patrolling the area.

    The Jedi finally came to a screeching halt at a door. He tried to open it without making a sound, but frowned when he realized it was locked. With a shrug, he drove his lightsaber into the lock until it melted away, then pushed the door open.

    "Stay here," he whispered to R2-D2. "I'll be back in a minute."

    After powering off his lightsaber, he tiptoed into the room. The Jedi couldn't help but grimace at the horrifying screaming that was coming from the other side. What in Mustafar was going on over there? After hiding behind a box of sorts, he peeked around and took in the situation. In the center of the room was a humanoid wrapped in a dark cloak and hood, suspended midair in an electrical torture contraption of sorts. To the side was an officer that was manning the control panel, seeming disinterested.

    A mean, nasty scowl broke out on the Jedi's face as he reached down for his weapon. He gripped tightly to the hilt as he stalked towards the man like a tiger ready to pounce.

    "Didn't your mother ever teach you to treat ladies with respect?" He spat with a smirk, then ignited his lightsaber and drove it up the back of the officer. Then, as quickly as he had started, he withdrew the weapon and watched in content as the body collapsed to the ground. "I'll take that as a no."

Between Life and Death // A Gray Jedi's Legacy SequelWhere stories live. Discover now