Chapter 11 // Communication

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You know, I think it's best if I just place this chapter out here for y'all and run. There are way too many people that would like a chance to hunt me down and make me suffer because of how long it took me to upload.

But, great news, my most important sports' seasons are almost over and there's something else that I just finished as well. So, with great joy, I would like to say that writing is about to get another peek into my schedule for the first time in months.

Also, before y'all read, I'd like to mention that Anakin and the other Jedi's POV right now is a little bit further ahead in time than Ahsoka's is. They will be at about the same point in time at the end of the chapter.

"Why does everybody hate me," Anakin cried out dramatically, though his words were muffled due to the fact that a smug Jedi Master was sitting on top of him.

    "Oh boo hoo," Obi-Wan mimicked, not moving an inch. He still hadn't let what Anakin did the other day go yet. Sure, it was petty, but Obi-Wan had no problem with that.

    "Master Kenobi?" A feminine voice asked from the door of the training room. Anakin sighed in relief at this. Maybe now the older Master would be embarrassed enough to jump off of him.

    No such luck.

    Instead, Obi-Wan just pivoted around to where he was facing Luminara, gave Anakin a devilish smirk, then looked up at the woman with innocent eyes.

    "Yes?" He answered, acting like he totally wasn't crushing Anakin to death.

    "Get off me you fat Bantha," Anakin hissed. Obi-Wan simply chuckled.   

    "You're just jealous that I got cake," he shot back, referencing to his behind.

    "Like any female would be dumb enough to like you," Anakin commented in a snarky tone.

    Luminara cleared her throat and announced loudly, "If the both of you would mind acting your age for a couple of minutes, I would like to say what I've been trying to tell you for the last two minutes."

    Obi-Wan sobered up real quick and reluctantly freed Anakin. With a breath of relief, the young Master scrambled up and shot the elder a glare.

    "I would like to inform you that we are almost to Savareen. Master Yoda has tasked you two with making the initial aircraft sweep to assure that the territory isn't deadly."

    "Savareen? Dangerous? Not in a thousand years," Anakin snorted, but it was cut off by Obi-Wan with a swift slap to the arm.

    "We're more than happy to comply," Obi-Wan replied with a smile, though there was an underlying tone of force directed towards Anakin.

    "Thank you, Master Obi-Wan. Good luck."


    "Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious," Ahsoka quietly sang to herself as she Force-jumped over the electric fence that guarded the base. Yeah, that boundary was doing a great job.

    "So, Daughter, you free to talk?" The Togruta whispered, landing from the jump with a forward roll. Before she could be spotted by the patrolling enemies, she ducked behind a shipping crate that was most likely newly-arrived weapons and ammunition.

    Uh... I guess?

    "Good, because my nerves are out of the roof right now. There's something about this place that doesn't feel right," Ahsoka nervously murmured. Like she had told the Daughter, she really was on edge right now. Every single nerve in her body was screaming at her to turn and run. However, she obviously couldn't do that right now. This mission was much too important and time-sensitive to turn back now.

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