Chapter 14 // Helping Hand

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if you're depressed, this chapter ain't for you honey

I cried harder than I have in weeks

To say that Ahsoka rushed back to her ship was an understatement. The woman didn't speed walk, run, or sprint to the frigate. She freaking flew. There was no way in Mustafar the Togruta was going to allow herself to be captured. She needed to flee, regroup, and come up with a master plan to stop all of this.

    Fresh, cool air whipped across her face and cloak. She had returned the hood to its original position so it would once more conceal her identity, which resulted in the lack of wind dancing across her lekku. She missed the feeling, but she knew she couldn't risk letting the others see her now. If they found out she was the one and only Ahsoka Tano, she would be as good as dead.

    A worn, exhausted smile of relief broke across her face as her ship came into sight. Never had she thought that she would be so happy to see a hunk of metal. She angled herself to where she was standing upright, then slowly lowered herself to the ground. The bottoms of her robes caught a gust of wind from the transition, causing it to majestically pan out.

    "Well, I definitely didn't think it was going to take this long to get back," Ahsoka mumbled to herself with a shake of her head. She was walking towards the ramp of her ship when the Force abruptly warned her of a strong presence. Using her fast reflexes, the Togruta quickly ripped her lightsabers off her belt and ignited them as she spun around to face her opponent. However, as her vision came into contact with the entity, she had to shield her eyes from the blinding light.

    By the time she had adjusted to the glow, the figure had inched towards her. Ahsoka squinted and tried to figure out what face hid behind the light. A gasp escaped her lips.

    "You..." she whispered in shock, then scowled and tightened her grip on her weapons. "again."

    "I was expecting a warmer welcome," the woman admitted with a shrug, walking to her left to sit on a stump. "That's no way to greet yourself."

    "Why are you here?" Ahsoka spat, ignoring the older woman's words. Her mind momentarily wandered back to when she had first arrived on Endor and her original encounter with her supposed future self.

    "I'm only here to help. I don't understand why you're being so hostile, dear."

    "I don't take kindly to strangers," Ahsoka shrugged. She relaxed slightly and powered off her lightsabers, but she kept them in her hand.

    "Ah, I remember those times. So on edge, so terrified. It's time you let go of your fears," the older Togruta insisted, shifting her position on the stump. "But this isn't why I have come. I know you need guidance dear. You can't be a hero without a mentor, hmm?"

    "That's what the Ones were for me," Ahsoka shook her head. "But they are hardly with me anymore. So I'm on my own for now."

    "Wrong," her older self snapped, pausing for a moment to regain her calm. "You're wrong. There are always many with you, whether you realize it or not. Generations upon generations of Gray and regular Jedi reside inside you. The Ones are with you too, they're just a little busy with personal matters. You'll learn about it later. For now, we need to concentrate on the matters at hand."

     "I just don't understand," Ahsoka finally sighed. By now she was at ease with the entity and had returned her lightsabers to their respectful places on her belt. Assuming that this was going to be a long conversation, the Togruta plopped herself down on the ramp. However, her hood remained on her head. "There's so many of them. They're not droids, either. They're real beings, and they're all gifted with the Force and a lightsaber. I mean, where did they even come from?"

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