Chapter 21 // 12 Percent of a Plan

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I'm literally about to cry.

After this there's only one more chapter left.


Anyways, I hope you guys have had a wonderful Christmas. If I'm not back with the last chapter later tonight, it'll be up tomorrow.

(SIDENOTE: If you have forgotten, Kayla Croslea was someone's winning OC from a competition in the first book. She met Ahsoka on the way to Lothal when she was assigned as the 501st's Force-healer.)

"Knight Croslea speaking."

"Hey, Kayla."

There was a long pause on the Force healer's end. "Who's this?"

"That's not what's important. There's something I need you to do for me."

"Absolutely not. I know that I've spoken to you before. Who are you?"

Ahsoka sighed. Of course, she wasn't sure what other reaction she was expecting. This was a loyal knight of the Order, and it would go against the Code to fulfill requests from a stranger. "You can't tell anyone I'm alive. Understood?"


"It's Ahsoka. Ahsoka Tano."

"Haha, good one. Now, who is on the line?"

"No, really, it's me. Look, I can answer any question you have to verify."

A drawn-out silence ensued as Kayla pondered what to ask. "Where was the first place we met?"

Ahsoka didn't skip a beat. She even responded with a smile. "An Acclamator frigate on the way to Lothal. You had just been assigned to the 501st legion as a Force-healer and to aid CT-6116, also known as Kix."

"I can't believe it," Kayla responded, incredulous. "It's good talking to you again, Commander. I thought we had truly lost you back there."

"I appear to be full of surprises recently," the Togruta chuckled. "I've contacted you to ask if you can decrypt a drive. Do you mind if I transfer the information right now?"

"Go ahead. I won't ask questions about it," the Force-healer assured her. "Anakin is with you right now, huh? Obi-Wan and Rex too. I was wondering where they were going the other day."

"Correct. We're saving the galaxy again. I know, shocker."

"When are you not?" Kayla questioned rhetorically. "Alright, I just received the data. How would you like me to contact you when I'm done?"

"Don't. I'll call you. See you soon, Kayla."

"May the Force be with you."

"As with you."

« — « — « — « — « — « — « — «

"So, Ahsoka, you never told us what happened down there," Barriss pointed out before taking a bite of her dinner. The group was circled around the campfire again, huddled up in blankets, and pressed next to each other for warmth.

The Togruta grew visibly uncomfortable at the subject. Her fingers subconsciously trailed up to her lekku, where she remained toying with the ends. "I was just..."

"Oh my Force, Ahsoka," Anakin groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I specifically told you no assassinating people!"

"I couldn't help it," she argued childishly. "He killed me first!"

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