Chapter 10 // Worlds Apart

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I don't have anything to say. I'm too embarrassed to.  It only took me about a MONTH to update.


Yeah, let's just pretend this never happened, kay?


it's at the end of the chapter hehe


Ahsoka smiled gently as a breeze danced across her lekku. Although it was difficult for her to notice, she could tell that her dusty navy and white striped headtails were growing in both height and length.

To be completely honest, the thought of her maturing into a full-grown adult was bittersweet. On one hand, it symbolized as a new page in her life, but on the other, she felt like she was losing all the memories she used to have of the good old days. The fun times, when she never had to worry about watching her back or stress about protecting an entire order of Jedi. It was times like this when she wished that she could just have her old life back. When life could be as simple as joking around with Anakin as a padawan.

Indistinctive murmuring amongst the Ewoks jerked Ahsoka back to attention. She had a job to get done. The sooner her mission was complete, the sooner she could go back to living a life that she truly enjoyed. With a grunt, she picked her legs up from their previously swinging position (she had been sitting on the edge of one of their bridges), and pulled them beneath her. Then, in one swift movement, she was back on her feet.

"Sku," she called out in greeting, making her way towards some of the more friendly Ewoks. It was time she solved this mystery once and for all.


"I can't get my mind off of it," Anakin sighed, ripping his gaze away from the hyperspace view turning to Obi-Wan. "I know she's out there. As crazy as it sounds, she has to be. I feel it."

"You've got to stop thinking about her Anakin," Obi-Wan shook his head. "We've got more pressing matters. If she is, then she'll turn up eventually. There's nothing we can do right now to find her."

"You don't understand. You don't care about her like I do," Anakin growled, immediately regretting his words.

"I don't care about her?!" Obi-Wan echoed incredulously, spinning on his heel. "She was like a daughter to me Anakin. You of all people should now. I can just cover my emotions 20 times better than you, Mr. Open-Book. A Sith could detect your haywire signature from parsecs away. Don't you think for one second that her death hasn't ripped me to pieces."

By now, Anakin could feel Obi-Wan's rapid, hot breath on his neck. Even though Anakin was an inch or two taller, it felt like the older Jedi Master was towering over him. He winced, turning away from the furious Jedi, and backed up a couple paces.

"Yes master," he said quietly, looking back to the view of hyperspace. "Mission first, then feelings. Like I haven't heard it a million times before."

"And for good reason," Obi-Wan argued, crossing his arms. "Emotions are a path to the Dark Side. Don't feel, just do. That's what we've been raised for, Anakin."

"Maybe it's not the right thing," Anakin mumbled, barely loud enough for Obi-Wan to hear. "Maybe it's not what we're really supposed to do. What I'm supposed to do."

"Stop with the nonsense," Obi-Wan snapped. "The Jedi might not be perfect, but this is your home. Where else would you go? It's not like you're going to go join the Sith."

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