Epilogue {Part One} // She Did It

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So, I was planning out the epilogue.

And dang, this is going to be a whole freaking mini book inside of a book :/

Oh well, I'm sure most of y'all won't complain. Here's part one!


The clone captain wordlessly dropped the blaster and switched to his dominant one. Things were not looking good. Onslaughts of Force-sensitives had been pouring in from all sides, and the overwhelming numbers were beginning to wear on him. Not to mention that one of his dual blasters had just run out of its energy source, rendering it useless to him.

"C'mon Commander," he muttered underneath his breath after gunning down another wave. The whole ordeal felt like he was fighting in a zombie apocalypse, and it was clear who was on the losing side. "Any day now..."

Perspiration clung to his forehead as he turned to fend off some that had been trying to sneak up on him. Rex barely had enough time to spin back around and continue stunning the enemies closest to him. In seconds he was going to be overpowered.

Rex tossed a quick glance at the door behind him. It had been nearly a minute since she first went in. He truly wished that everything had gone accordingly as planned for her. If he was being completely honest, his entire emotional state might crumble if she died again. His commander had been taken from him so many times already, and he couldn't bear losing her again.

This might be my only option, Rex argued internally. His remaining blaster was bound to run out soon, and it didn't seem like the Force-sensitives were going to stop pouring in at all. He gave the door one last look, then hastily swung it open and rushed inside. He luckily managed to slam the door shut without anyone else slipping in, but that didn't discourage the others. They progressed from slamming their body weight onto the doors to driving their lightsaber through it. It would be a lie to say that Rex's heart was beating faster than it ever had as the enemy slowly carved a circle out of the metal.

"Looks like Ahsoka isn't the only one making a sacrifice today," Rex bitterly noted as the circle came closer to closing. The blade of the saber had now cut through nearly two-thirds of the shape already.

To be exact, 45 seconds had passed since Ahsoka had disabled the first device. She should be working on dismantling the last one right now. If not? Well, they were royally screwed then.

The clone readied his blaster as the lightsaber came closer to completing the circle. Then, with one final push, the enemy dragged his lightsaber through the remaining part of the ring and kicked the metal in. It landed with a hollow ring and spun around like a credit.

Rex waited, gun raised, for the enemies to start funneling in.

And he waited.

And he waited.

Finally, after long, tedious moments of anticipation, he lowered his weapon and cautiously crept forward. Even though he felt as though he was walking into a trap, he slowly cracked open the door and took in his surroundings.

Everyone was lying on the ground unconscious.

"Did she..." he pondered to himself in amazement. "Son of a blaster, she really did it."

The entire walk back to the ship was a celebratory dance for the captain.

« — « — « — « — « — « — « — «

"General? Master Kenobi?" Rex called out, wandering around their makeshift-base on Takodana. Anakin's cruiser had returned, but the actual Jedi was nowhere in sight. The clone finally gave up looking outside and walked aboard the ship.

"Rex?" A worried voice called out from further inside the transport. He hastened his pace, nearly breaking out into a jog as he headed towards the cockpit. "Sir? What's-"

Time stopped as the clone's gaze fell upon a familiar Togruta propped up in a chair. He rushed forward to greet her excitedly, but he froze in his place as he painfully realized something.

Ahsoka was paler than he had ever seen her before. She was unconscious, inanimate, and barely breathing. Her breaths were growing more ragged by the second as though each one was more painful than before.

"Is she okay?!" He questioned, rushing forward to her side and resting a hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know," Anakin softly admitted. "I found her lying on the ground outside in this state. We're going to Coruscant to seek medical attention."

"What if she doesn't make it to Coruscant?" Rex weakly asked, looking up at his general.

"She's Snips. She always pulls through."


"Well? How is she?"

The Force-healer looked up from her holopad full of vitals and diagnostics with a weary smile. Exhaustion was spread over the Twi-Lek's face, but she managed to piece together a, "She's going to be alright."

"Thank the Force," Rex and Anakin cried out in unison. Anakin turned to raise a brow at Rex, but the clone simply shrugged. He had picked up a bit of the Jedi lingo over the last couple of years fighting by their side, and he wasn't shy to use it. Obi-wan, who had been silently drowning in his emotions and thoughts the entire time, let out an audible sigh of relief.

The last two hours had been spent with Ahsoka on the brink of death once more. Even Anakin had begun to doubt his prior statement of her pulling through. Her heart rate had been critically low, causing her pale skin and blue lips. Her lungs had collapsed and attained debris in them, which was causing her shallow and harsh breathing. All in all, her condition hadn't been the definition of great.

"She's going to be asleep for a long time," the healer added quickly. "I'm not sure what she managed to do to get in this state, but even her life-force was deprived. It's fortunate that you got her here when you did."

"That it is," Anakin grinned, walking up to the Togruta's side and resting his hands on the railing of the cot. He leaned over and whispered into her montals, "You can't leave us that easily, Snips."

This was short, but the next part it completely different so I decided I'd go ahead and cut it off right here.

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