Chapter 8 // Loose Leads

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Hello everyone! Sorry for my absence. I've just been really busy with other stuff, not to mention my growing position in the AoS fandom.

Without further wait, here is the next chapter.

"May honor shine on the deceased Jedi who showed us this technique," Kit Fisto began as almost every single one of the Council members sat down in a meditation room in a circle. "Now let us begin."

Each of the masters bowed their heads and interlocked their hands with each other. The second that they entered the mediative state they could feel the familiar sensation of concentrated Force that was flowing between them. It was true, Ahsoka had been the one to show them this method. Nobody knew where she got it from, given that meditation was usually an activity done solely and was rarely practiced anyway else, but it sure did work.

For the first several minutes everything was dead silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the faint hums of engines or strong gusts of wind that managed to slip their way past all of the thick walls and barriers.

"I believe I might be seeing something," Mace remarked quietly as to not disturb everyone else. He furrowed his eyebrows and tried to narrow in on the brief flashes of imagery, but it seemed to be practically impossible.

"I see... oceans," Obi-Wan commented. "Tides and currents."

"Do I, as well," Yoda hummed.

"That's not what I'm seeing," Mace replied with a shake of his head. "I see tans."

"Gritty," Shaak added with a nod to Mace's answer. "I believe we're seeing sand."

"Anything else?"

The rest of the masters paused their meditation to quietly align their beliefs and visions with either Mace or Obi-Wan.

"So, oceans and beaches?" Obi-Wan summarized as the last Council member listed off what he had seen. "That doesn't seem too far-fetched."

"But it's common," Mace pointed out in distaste. "It hardly gets us anywhere."

"I'd argue that it breaks it down quite a bit," Plo Koon said with a shake of his head as he stood up. With slight curiosity in the features of their faces, they decided to follow Plo out of the room and into one of the planning and strategizing areas.

"Take a look," Plo instructed as he powered on a holographic map of their galaxy and began rifling through the planets and moons. "Coruscant, Dagobah, Mustafar, Lah'mu, none of those have oceans or sand.

"So which ones do?" Obi-Wan asked. Of course, he could name several off the top of his head, but he was trying to further the conversation.

"Tatooine, Jakku, Mon Cala, Kamino, Savareen, Quilla, Canto Bight..."

"Canto Bight," Mace interjected. "Would Cantonica be a good place to start? It has its artificial ocean and the rest of the planet is deserts."

"You might be on to something," Kit agreed with a nod as they watched Plo zoom in on the hologram of Canto Bight.

"I still feel like this isn't enough information to go off of," Obi-Wan sighed as he stroked his trimmed beard. "Oceans and sand? I mean, they're polar opposites. What part would we even look in?"

"It's not much," Mace agreed with a grunt, "but it's better than nothing, and we've got the entire safety of the Order resting on our shoulders. I'd rather chase half of a lead than sit on my butt all day."

"If Anakin was here right now," Obi-Wan began, pausing to scowl and shake his head at his former padawan, who also happened to conveniently be the only Council member that wasn't at the meeting. "He'd say that we're trying to figure this out the wrong way."

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