Chapter 22 // Is It a Suicide Mission?

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well, there's probably going to be a multi-part long epilogue but nahhh that's not important XD

"You should join me and the boys at 79's one of these days," Rex shouted over the deafening sound of blaster fire. They had accidentally stumbled into a patrol of the enemies, so now they were doing their best to progress to the controlling device without killing anyone. Rex had his blaster set to stun, which Ahsoka had to admit was incredibly useful, whereas she had to use the Force to make the others fall asleep or knock them out. All in all, she felt like her method was inefficient and time-consuming.

"I don't know, I'm not much of a cantina person..."

"C'mon, you'll love it," Rex assured her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an enemy that had switched from a blaster to a lightsaber and was advancing on Ahsoka. He scowled and aimed his weapon at the enemy, slightly wishing that it wasn't just set to stun. Nobody messed with his commander.

"Fine. But don't even think that you're going to turn me into a party animal," Ahsoka laughed, then added a quick thanks to the captain for having her back.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he chuckled. The door to explosives was visible now. It wouldn't be too much longer. "So what exactly are you going to do with the bomb?"

"It's kind of difficult to explain and believe," Ahsoka admitted. "But I practiced the skill all last night so hopefully I can perform it again."

"Hopefully? We're going to need a lot more than that," the clone warned before taking out four more Force-sensitives. "I have faith in you though. Now go save the galaxy or whatever."

He pushed Ahsoka into the room, then shut the door behind her. While the Togruta was safe, Rex was stranded in a hallway with countless opponents.

"Rex!" She yelled, banging on the door. "Get in here! Don't do this to me!"

The only response she got was the continuous sound of blaster fire. The only way to help him was to carry out the mission as soon as possible now. She needed to find a way to destroy the contraption without expending too much energy, given that she was going to need every ounce of it to complete her plan.

An idea spawned on her. She wasn't sure how she hadn't thought of this before. The Togruta drove her lightsaber into the heart of the device, then pulled the blade out and stabbed it again. The light that was being emitted from the controller started to dim, and eventually, the energy sputtered out. However, the glow quickly transferred to the bomb, which started flashing red.

"And that's my cue," she mumbled to herself. A timer began counting down from 60 seconds. The Togruta hurriedly disabled the weapon, then clutched to it tightly. This was it. If she failed, everyone died. That totally wasn't a lot of pressure.

54... 53... 52...

Knowing that she didn't have time to waste, Ahsoka willed her eyes shut and concentrated on Christophsis. Once she had a visual of the planet, she narrowed into the specific coordinates that the base resided. Even more specifically, the control room.

Then, just as though she was a Nightsister, her body and the bomb disintegrated into thin air. Then, much to Barriss and Luminary's alarm, it formulated on the Christophsis base. It took a lot of her energy, so she ended up stumbling around and fumbling with the bomb.

"What in the bloody-" Barriss choked out, but a nasty glare from Luminara silenced the Mirialan.

"Force teleport? I haven't heard of that in ages," the Jedi Master mumbled in shock. "Surely the Jedi didn't teach you this?"

Between Life and Death // A Gray Jedi's Legacy SequelWhere stories live. Discover now