Chapter 1 // End of the Beginning

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Okay, okay, this was a lot longer than what I would've preferred between updates. No promises, since I'm obviously not very good at keeping them, but I am going to try and get them up more frequently.

The end of the beginning.

Ahsoka let out a breath of relief as she touched down on a secluded planet. Sure, she was far from comfort, but adventuring in the wild was much better than constantly having to withhold a little pocket of breathable air around her body. While it wasn't the most taxing task she had performed, it chipped away at her strength after hours and hours passed of practicing this.

Of course, this wasn't the only thing she had been doing, either. Since Exogol was by no means in close proximity to any habitable regions, she had been moving her body and break-neck spears across the galaxy for well over a day as well. This was, with no doubt, something that she was only able to achieve by her enhanced powers granted to her from the Ones, and she was grateful for that, but some days she wished that she had her old life back. Those times seemed so peaceful, so simple, despite the raging war that had been taking place.

Speaking of which...

Had both sides taken the measures to end the war yet? Ahsoka truly hoped they had, since she would have been rolling in her 'grave' if the stubborn politicians hadn't put aside their selfishness and tried to come up with a solution. The Togruta had made her sacrifice for a reason, so it would only be a pure insult if they hadn't acted upon the revolution Ahsoka had set into motion and formed bonds with each other.

Of course, that was probably too much to ask...

Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of politicians that were involved in the war for the right reasons, like Senator Amidala, Senator Bonteri, Senator Chuchi, and the list goes on. However, even though Ahsoka had tried fo many years to look past it and force herself to pretend it wasn't true, there were people who didn't care about the growing deaths of soldiers. All they cared about was business, which was soaring for those such as weapon dealers as long as the war was going on.

Just the pure thought of that made Ahsoka sick to her stomach. How was it possible for someone to be so self-centered? So oblivious to the fact that the universe didn't revolve around them? Things like that were almost more disheartening than the actual war itself.

Now that Palpatine was out of action in all of this though, wouldn't the war be forced to gear down and eventually simmer out? The main source had been eradicated, so was all that was left was to make amends between different societies?

The end of the beginning.

Ahsoka darted her gaze around to see if she could spot anything potentially useful. Perhaps a sight of civilization? Some food or water to quench the painful pangs that were echoing throughout her stomach?

When her eyes came across nothing but barren, gray rock similar to that of a moon, she frowned and resorted to slipping a ration bar out of one of the many compartments on her belt. Ahsoka slumped up against one of the many rocks that protruded from the surface, then peeled back the wrapper and bit into the food. It was practically flavorless, dry, and hard to chew, but she honestly couldn't complain at the moment. It fulfilled her nutritional needs, and there didn't seem to be anything else remotely close to being digestible to eat.

"Guess I'll have to move on, then," Ahsoka dryly chuckled, leaning back and stretching her aching muscles. Everything seared with pain, but the only thing she could do was ignore it. Right now, she didn't have time to baby herself. Her system was running on fumes, let alone the fact that she was severely dehydrated. If she didn't find some soon, she could be in serious trouble.

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