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The pillow was wet by this point but she didn't care. She didn't care that her heart felt as if someone had broken her rib cage and ripped it out by their bare hands. She didn't care that she was wearing old pyjamas and hadn't changed for 2 days. She didn't care that her phone was on a constant vibrating sensation as well as the annoying sounds of her ringtone; she simply didn't care enough to put it on silent. She didn't care that Maddie and Liam had been calling as well as knocking on the bedroom door. She didn't care that her boss was calling and most probably worried and angry by then. She didn't care.

Liam's muffled voice filtered through the door. "Emma cmon answer the door."

"Ems we're really worried." That was Madeline.

I don't care.

"Please ems."

"Oh wow, please will work it's not like we've said that one before."

"Oh shutup Maddie, like you can do any better."

Maddie's voice suddenly got louder.  "Well I'm sure I could do better than please."

I don't care.

"Well go on then, you try get her out of her room."

I don't want to go out of my room. I don't care.

"Emma babe, why don't you open the door so we can talk about what's upset you. We don't know what's happened. I'm sure you'll feel better once you've talked about it. We can cuddle and watch whatever you want I promise. Maybe not castle because I'm not going to lie I may have started it from the beginning and watched all of it but anything else I promise."

"You watched Castle without her?" Liam asked. He couldn't believe the disrespect.

I don't care.

"I mean, maybeeee, but it's only Castle you know she's watched it loads I'm sure she doesn't mind once." Maddie tried to defend herself.

"You're rude." Liam exclaimed.

"Emma please this is your last chance!" Maddie changed the subject.

I don't care.

"You know what, fuck this." Maddie suddenly cried.

Maddie surged forward and gripped the door handle and pushed it open with a smooth motion. Before she walked further into the room she reached behind her and gripped Liam's forearm. She dragged him behind her all the way until they reached the side of Emma's bed.

Emma was lying on her right side staring at her bedside table. The only thing on there was an alarm clock and it was turned off. Her hair was flat to her head and flowed behind her onto the pillow; little fly aways stuck to her head. She had grey bags under her eyes and her eyes themselves were tinted red, her skin pale and dull and her lips dry and cracked. The rest of her body was covered by her duvet but both Maddie and Liam could tell that it probably wouldn't look any better. She hadn't come out of her room when they were there for 2 days. The likelihood of her having enough time to have a shower before someone noticed she had come out of her room were slim to none.

"Oh Emma, babe, this don't look good."

I don't care.

"Wow Mads, that's really going to make her feel better."

"Well you 2 never wanted me to lie again after what happened last time. I'm just keeping my promise!"

"Doesn't mean you have to tell her that she looks bad!"

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