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This is it. This is my moment.

'He's an actor; he's gonna notice'

NO HE ISNT! Fuck off stupid voice in my head.


THIS IS GOING TO WORK! My acting skills are phenomenal. I can do this.

Just when she thought the stupid voice shut up it decided to say this.

'You're not an actor. You're a writer. Maybe you have the skills to kinda maybe eventually kinda pull this off on text, but not on the phone. No way'

How can I doubt my own skills? It was my plan this is going to work. Right? Right!

'I give up. Embarrass yourself. See if I care.'

Okay. I will!

'Jesus fucking Christ'

Shit. I didn't mean that!

Why did she just hear a cackle in her head?

"Okay Emma. You got this."

'Don't screw this up'

She hated herself. She needed to learn how to stop talking to the stupid voice in her head.

She wondered whether this was actually going to work. She was sat in the back seat of her car with her seatbelt on. If anyone saw her they would think she's gone mental but it was okay. She needed to do it like this to make the prank believable. She had her car turned on with the radio playing softly just to make sure Josh believed it. She couldn't mess this up. She even put a coat on to 'prove' that she was in a cold city for example, Salt Lake. There went the evil cackle again.

Hi Emma
Josh just got to set!
We have 30 mins before we film
We're hanging out in Josh's
Everyone knows


She couldn't back out now. It was her plan. Everyone counted on her. She just had to do it.

Here goes she thought.

Josh's pov

He was sitting on the sofa in his trailer when the others decided to burst in. Matt and Larry went straight to the fridge; no surprise there he thought. Frankie, Julia and Dara took the chairs around the table and Olivia and Sofia thought it would be good to sit on Josh's legs when they determined he wasn't going to move them off the sofa for them to sit down.

"OW! What the fuck guys?"

"Well you didn't move, you knew we was going to do that." Olivia explained.

He gave her an incredulous look. Is she for real? "No I really didn't."

"Oh. Well you do now." Sofia said. She had the cheek to flash a smug smile in his direction.

They were hanging out for the past five minutes before Josh noticed Olivia acting weird. She eyes were glued to her phone screen but occasionally they would dart over to Josh before glancing down at his phone that was in his hand. She would sigh in what seemed disappointment before gluing her eyes back to her phone.

Josh was preoccupied at his phone where he waited for a notification. He had been texting Emma all night and morning with no such luck. She hadn't answered. What was worse is he could see that she had seen them. She left him on read.

Olivia done her looking-at-him-then-looking-away-again routine 4 more times before Josh got annoyed. He was already frustrated that he was being ghosted by Emma and Olivia was not helping. He was just about to open his mouth to start an argument with her before his phone rang. It was Emma. She was FaceTiming him.

"Omg Emma's FaceTiming me."

"WHAT." Matt, Dara and Frankie yelled.

It was safe to say Josh was freaking out. "Oh my god. What do I do? What do I say? Why is she FaceTiming me? We've never FaceTimed before. Oh my god what if I fuck up? We haven't even called each other yet and she wants to go straight to FaceTime?"

"Dude you better answer." Larry warned him.

Apparently, Josh didn't take any notice and resumed his panicking. "Oh my god how do I look?" He was in costume: makeup, hair and all for episode 5. He was in a suit. A fucking suit. "Oh goddd." He groaned. "I'm in a fucking suit. What the fuck is she gonna think?"

"Josh I promise you look fine." Sofia said. He wasn't taking any notice.

Matt thought that he should have a go. "Bro, you look good. All ladies like a guy in a suit."

Josh looked over at him and just stared. Which prompted everyone else in the room to turn around and stare.

Matt turned to Larry. "Don't girls like a guy in a suit? I thought they did?"

Larry just shrugged at Matt in a way to say 'I thought so too dude. I dunno what everybody's issue is.'

"Josh I promise. You look good. You have to answer now she's probably about to give up." Josh didn't notice the secretive, smug smile that Olivia was giving off.

That must of started a whole new round of panicking because he fumbled with his phone before taking a deep breath and answering.

would like to FaceTime...

⏰ 💬
Remind Me Message

📞 Slide to answer...


I've had major writers block for the past 2 weeks trying to figure out this stupid prank I stupidly wanted to write. There's only so much you can do on the phone and nothing was coming to me until this morning when it just popped in my head and I got carried away and wrote everything in like 2-3 hours. I decided to split the chapters up like I have before so each chapter is round about the same length.

Please vote and comment because it took me forever to figure it out. Honestly it would actually mean a lot. Hope you enjoy!

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