RANT TIME⚠️ again

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Ngl I went off this time. But I meant every word. I don't care. If you don't want to read about my opinions on the Josh and Olivia situation then just stop reading this chapter and I'll see you next time I upload another chapter. This is probably going to be some unpopular opinions but I'm entitled to them so please kindly fuck off if you don't agree.

To all the people who keep commenting on joshs shit about Olivia or drivers license can seriously fuck off now. Who fucking cares about Olivia or drivers license? Like the drama is that important to you? Really? That you like hating on someone because you "support" a person who wrote a song. ITS A SONG!!! Quite honestly I don't care whether you think it's about Josh or not. Who are you to hate on someone just because you like to assume and look at details that are non existent. All I see on Josh's posts are comments about drivers license or Olivia. Do people really like someone that much or a song that much that you have to "support" her by hating on someone else.

Fair enough, I don't think Olivia realised the song was going to be this big, probs only with the fans, but that shit still isn't okay. Hating on someone is still not okay. She talks about the support of her song and for her and that's it. Olivia talks about responsibility and how she's growing up and an adult etc but she still allows her fans to hate on someone BECAUSE OF A SONG! That's not being grown up or an adult or responsible. Letting people who don't even know you or the situation hate on someone who they assume a song is written about. Like she must know how much this is affecting him? She sees him all the time on set and obvs social media yet she still does nothing? That's not okay.

And before people start hating on me, I don't hate Olivia. I think the song is amazing and she's a good singer etc. But I can't fully support or like someone who isn't trying to do good. Who lets her "fans" hate on someone because she wanted to put out a song. How can someone act the way she has yet we're not making her responsible or atleast talking about this. So many people start on cancel culture I mean every one has done it enough times to Josh let alone anyone else. Yet she's okay with that? We're okay with that? Please can we do better as people. As fans.

So please can we just support people because of the things they achieve and because we have things in common and can admire them. You know, like real fans. Don't hate on anybody, don't try to cancel anybody. Just be kind. Please don't hate on Joshua or Sabrina or Olivia. (Yes I'm aware I'm being a bit of a hypocrite considering the last chapter but I do actually like Olivia I just think she hasn't handled it well). Support everybody. Support Olivia for a good song and her singing abilities and the show. Also support Josh the same by his new EP and his posts and the show. Even support Sabrina because she's caught in the crossfire but she is also talented. Stop hating or commenting on people's things when it has nothing to do with the comment you make.

The world would be a better place if people would stop hating on someone that doesn't deserve it. So let's support one another.

With that being said I'm working on a new chapter I just thought considering I was writing about Josh I needed to get this off of my chest. Hopefully sometime this week I'll have an upload.

Fun fact: when I was typing upload earlier, my automatic text wanted to change it to "dildo" . I love my phone😂

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