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Open the door bitch
I'm outside

Emma's phone dinged as a notification from Liam showed up on the screen. Emma simply rolled her eyes before getting off her bed and strolling to the front door.

"Liam you could of just knocked. Why did you text?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"No. No it is not."

Liam just shrugged and pushed past Emma to get to the sofa. Emma again, just rolled her eyes before closing the door and crossing the room to sit next to Liam on the sofa.

Guess we'll never know.

"So what do you wanna watch this week?"

It was their weekly film night; Friday to be precise. They have had this tradition since the beginning of Freshman year when they all discovered they shared the same classes. That was when they became best friends. Maddie was coming later, her class was running late. Liam and her were in university. Liam studied sports and Maddie studied Fashion Design. Emma was at a work placement that let her work towards a qualification in English Language and Literature. She loved to write. Poems, songs, books, anything. As long as she scribbled in her notebook, everything was fine. She loved to write stories about people she knew and her favourite characters. Another hobby was writing songs. She's not so good on the melody or beat, but she knows how to write lyrics and make everything flow.

Emma and Maddie shared a flat they rented, which allowed Maddie to live off campus; something she was forever grateful for. If Emma was being honest with herself, Liam lived there too. It was only because his parents sent him money each month to pay for his dorm room, that he stayed on campus. The only time they hung out in Liam's dorm was when they helped him move in. It might also be the small fact that Liam's roommate was a bit of a dickhead. He was a pervert and would flirt with anyone that had boobs and 2 legs. Although he did have a bit of an obsession with Emma, which made Liam take the role of her over protective brother. Something which Emma secretly enjoyed.

"Ermmm I think a classic is in order. I mean there's no new films that you've wanted to watch is there?"

"No I think classic is the way to go."

"Great I've got the perfect idea!" Emma exclaimed. He's gonna love this she thought.

Before Emma could get up to get the DVD, Madeline barrelled through the front door. "Don't worry I'm here! Stupid fucking teacher wouldn't shutup I swear to god if he carried on I would've hit him in the stomach so he would stay quiet for a minute so I can make my escape."

Liam burst out laughing and Emma looked behind her shoulder and smirked at one of her best friends. Maddie was basically her sister. For an only child, it meant a lot to Emma to be able to have that bond with someone. Liam was the over protective brother and Emma loved him for it.

"It's okay Mads. It's over"

"You better hurry the fuck up Emma has already decided on the film and she didn't tell me what it is because your fat ass came through the door and interrupted her."

Maddie walked back into the living room from her bedroom, walked straight to the back of the sofa and smacked Liam upside the head.

HIGH ON COMMON SENSE   𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙖 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩Where stories live. Discover now