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It took a few seconds to connect but once it did Josh's phone screen was filled with the picture of Emma in what looked like a car.

"Omg hi Josh!" She giggled.

Josh was taken aback. First by the thought of talking to her on the phone; then by actually seeing her face in kind of real time. That made him get butterflies in his stomach. But then, what threw him off was the fact that her voice was so high pitched and giggly. When they were texting he must have imagined about 50 times what her voice sounded like but he didn't expect that. By how she acted in her texts he could have sworn she would have more of a sarcastic nature, deep girls voice but no. It was high pitched; and giggly.

"Erm.. hi Emma." He was nervous. He looked down away from the phone and towards the floor.

"Not to be rude but why are you FaceTiming me? We've never done that before."

He forgot that everyone was currently leaning forward trying to either catch a glimpse of the screen or just so they could listen in.

"Because silly." She giggled again. She reached up and started twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. Why is she doing that? He thought. This wasn't the Emma he thought he somewhat knew. "I'm nearly there."

Josh dragged his eyes back toward the screen after glaring at Matt and Larry who were whisper arguing about who could get closer.  "What do you mean you're almost there? Where are you going?"

Josh was actually interested. He liked this girl, everyone knew it, even him. Although, he would deny it if someone ever asked.

"To you silly. Can't you tell?"

Now he was confused.

He furrowed his eyebrows. He stared intensely at the screen. "What do you mean to me?"

"I'm in Salt Lake. I'm in a cab coming from the airport. I'm like 5 minutes away which is why I called you. I'm coming to the school to see you. Isn't it exciting." She even added a little squeal at the end.

What the fuck.

"I'm sorry you're what?" Dara asked. She thought she better step in after seeing the shock on Josh's face.

"I'm in Salt Lake sweetie weren't you listening." Emma asked with a sugar sweet smile on her face which everyone could tell was fake.

"Err I'm sorry sweetie.. but don't talk to Dara like that. She was just asking." Frankie said. Josh was glad to know his friends were gonna stick up for each other even though it had to be over Emma. Which Josh still didn't understand.

"Well if she was listening she wouldn't have to ask now would she. That was all i was trying to say. Anyway Josh the cab driver said we're only 3 minutes away you're gonna meet me outside of your little school right?"

If Josh wasn't in shock and slight weirded out then he would have smiled and probably teased the girl about her saying cab driver instead of taxi driver. However, he was in shock and slightly, okay very, weirded out.

"You're gonna be here? At the school?" He repeated.

"Well yeah of course it was Olivia's idea. Did she not tell you?" Emma added a pouty face at the end of her question. Fuck she's cute.

HIGH ON COMMON SENSE   𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙖 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩Where stories live. Discover now