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Joshua looked at Olivia and Sofia with a blank look on his face. Let's see if I can get away with this he thought. It was a long shot but he was willing to try if it got him out of this situation. Unfortunately for him, they raised their eyebrows at him for the second time and it was apparent he was going to have to do this the hard way.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do." Sofia said. She had uncrossed her arms when it was clear that Josh wasn't going to give in easily. However, Olivia wasn't going to give up either, for she still had her arms crossed and wasn't going to leave the doorway until she got some answers.

"I really don't. I don't know what we have to explain? I was just talking to Matt about something."

"Well what was you talking to him about?"

"Guy stuff Olivia you wouldn't understand."

"Guy stuff? Since when did you and Matt have 'guy stuff'."

"Sofia! We're guys! Just like you have 'girl stuff', we have 'guy stuff'."

Josh was saved by the doorbell ringing which distracted Olivia enough for him to dart around her and jump onto the sofa. Olivia shot him a dark look as she realised what he had done but stomped her way over towards Larry to help him with the pizza delivery. They walked back towards the group as everyone was either on the sofa or sat around the coffee table on the floor.

Josh thought he had gotten away with it, when Dara and Frankie started a conversation on what they should watch and that led to everyone having little conversations between them. Josh was 100% confident everything was going to be fine by the time he and Matt ate 3 slices of pizza. Then Olivia opened her mouth.

"So Joshy... what were you and Matt doing in his bedroom?"

"Jesus Olivia!"

"Hey! Don't say it like that I don't wanna do stuff with Matt!"

"Joshyyyyy I thought we had something special."

"We do baby but we agreed not to tell them remember?" Josh whisper shouted. He knew everyone could hear them and honestly the faces that Dara and Frankie made were hilarious.

"Oh yeah." Matt whisper shouted. In his normal voice he added "yeah! I don't wanna do things with Josh."

"WAIT! Wait wait wait wait wait!" Frankie shouted. He couldn't believe his ears. "Am I hearing this right? There's something going on between Josh and Matt?"

"No! They're messing with you. Josh won't tell us anything." Sofia leaned back into the sofa having already given up.

"Joshua T I don't know what that stands for Bassett! You tell us right now! Or I'll call your mum."

"Go on then. You think I'm scared of you telling my mum?"

"Shit that normally works."

"Sorry Liv but I'm not saying anything."

Olivia stared at Josh for a whole 2 minutes before turning her gaze on Matt.

"So Matt.. what was you talking about?"

Josh glared at Olivia before he turned that glare on Matt. He swore to god if Matt said anything he'll kill him.

HIGH ON COMMON SENSE   𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙖 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩Where stories live. Discover now