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She groaned before turning to the other side of her bed. She reached a hand out, to pick up her phone. Pressing stop on her alarm she looked at the time and groaned once again.

'I really can't be arsed to get up' she thought.

She laid back down and rested her head on the pillow. Honestly, she felt like there was no point in moving. Although work had calmed down a lot since Josh spoke to his fans, it still wasn't ideal. She would still receive looks from people who came into the shop. They would only come in to catch a glimpse of the person who Josh defended, seemingly without even knowing her in real life. If he liked this random girl on the other side of the country and he hadn't even met her; then who's to say he can't start talking to someone else? Who knows whether them sending him DMs or making fan accounts or even trying- albeit failing- to get famous won't work for them?

Another reason she didn't want to get up was because lately, she's had no motivation. Going from speaking to someone she thought was her friend, maybe even liked him as more than that, and then all of a sudden having no contact with that person took a toll. Not being able to read their texts; the awful dad jokes and meme fights. Not being able to hear their voice; and equally as bad attempt at a London accent and the chuckle they made when you told them a joke in response to their dad one.

The one that's hurt her the most; people don't believe she should be sad. The person she thought she was learning to really like, maybe eventually even love, wasn't in her life anymore. People was sending hate, disturbing her everyday life, and the person wasn't even talking to her. The months of getting to know him, his friends, even some of his family was a waste of time. 'No it wasn't a waste of time. Nothing about him is a waste of time' she couldn't help but think. She wonders why everyone says she shouldn't be sad.

She groaned again. The only reason he was on her mind was because she knew he was here. Him and his friends.

The past month has been filled with Liam and Maddie making sure they have the best life possible. They made memories wherever they went and whatever they did. Before this week, for the past month her life has actually been very good. She was having fun with her friends, she even got to see her mum for a few days. This past month, she hasn't thought of Josh at all. Well not when she's with people and keeping busy. It's when it gets to midnight and she's in bed by herself with nothing but her thoughts to occupy her. It's her phone which was once so loud and a central object in her life, now just a meaningless object that stays silent. No phone calls, no texts. Just some beeps indicating a Instagram notification every now and then. She had begun to despise the beep associated with Instagram. It wasn't the same gentle note of an iMessage notification that she was accustomed to.

She stared at her ceiling for another 15 minutes and thought about the fuck up that was her life at the moment. She huffed one last time before she put weight on her elbows and lower arms to hoist herself up into a sitting position. One last push and she was left standing up in the middle of her room.

'Right, work.'

She walked to her wardrobe and settled on a work outfit. Just a simple top and jeans. There was no one to impress. The only person she knew that she would definitely see was her boss and maybe Liam and Maddie if they finished their classes early. She definitely wasn't going to try to impress his fans. The lingering stares don't bother her so much anymore. There's fewer although no less frequent. Who cares if she wants to wear a simple outfit, she doubted the fans would care one way or another. They would always find something to talk about. It didn't matter what she wore.

She moved as slow as possible even though she would have to leave momentarily if she didn't want to be late.

Her phone was fully charged but she still stopped to think about whether she should bother taking it with her anyway. It's not like anyone would want to speak to her. She looked at it for a minute longer before she ultimately tucked it into the top of her jeans.

It was a weird habit she got from when she started high school back in London. It started about 6 years ago when she turned 13, especially in the summer, loads of girls her age started putting their phones in the top of their bottoms; whatever they were wearing. Often times in the summer, girls from England wouldn't wear clothes that had pockets. A lot of girls clothes don't have pockets in, something which Emma never understood. She never got why adding a pocket to a girls clothing item was so difficult. The habit still stayed with her no matter how many pockets her clothing happened to have. Maybe it was just her? She was just weird?

Having absentmindedly put her shoes on and grabbed her jacket, she slowly opened her bedroom door. Walking as slow as humanly possible, she double checked she had everything for a full day at work. Being sure she had everything she realised she couldn't procrastinate any longer. Letting out one more sigh, she walked towards the front door.

Just because Josh was in the area doesn't mean she should act like this. He doesn't know where she works or where she lives. He doesn't know the first thing about her life since he left. She shouldn't worry. He won't find her. Even if she wanted to be found. He doesn't care

'No. I don't. Don't think about him' she thought.

Locking the door she made her way out of the building and to work.

'He won't look for you. He's too busy. He wouldn't want to anyway. Just accept that you'll never meet him. He's not in your life Emma. Time to deal with it.'

With that thought in mind, she carried on down the road. Josh forgotten. She was focused on work and trying to fix her life and one boy was not going to disrupt that. Josh wasn't in her life. She needed to accept that. Josh didn't care. So she couldn't either.

A quick chapter so you can be updated on Emma. Can't be knowing what Josh has planned if you don't even know what Emma's doing and thinking.

I've realised I like writing once I start doing it. Building up the motivation to start is the problem.

What do you think is going to be in the next chapter? Who's gonna be in it, Emma or Josh?

There's not many chapters left though. Hopefully I can finish this book soon, I really want to start other books.

Speaking about other books, please request things you would like me to write for my imagines book. Any imagines/ one shots you would like me to write. I'm planning on starting that book soon so please request. PLEASE.

Thank you guys so much for reading, commenting and voting. 11k reads and over 215 votes. Please carry on voting and commenting it really helps me to carry on this story and let's me know you guys enjoy it .

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