Chapter 15: Good Night

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Ichinose POV

During time 11:19pm

"Good evening to you, Ichinose-san."

"...Good evening, Sakayanagi-san."

As the night arrived, I was called by Sakayanagi-san to meet her alone at a place near Keyaki mart.

And when I arrived, she was just sitting at a bench alone, with her cane tapped on the ground.

"It's quite rare to see you without your accompany, Sakayanagi-san."

I looked around, only to find Kamuro-san and Hashimoto-san are nowhere to be found.

"This is only reasonable," she replied. "The information I'm about to share with you is quite...inappropriate...for any mere bystander to listen to."

"Do you not trust them?"

"I would prefer to be called cautious, if you would not mind." it?

Well, it's not like I can't understand, as I also didn't discuss with anyone about this matter, not Shiina-san, not any classmate from my class, and not even Ayanokoji-kun.

"So," Sakayanagi-san started. "I've successfully discovered another holder of the novel."


"That's great!" I exclaimed. "Can you tell me who they are?"

"Before that, I would like to discuss to you about something."

Something...else? What's more important than the information about the novel?

"Shiina Hiyori...if I remember correctly, she now holds the second volume of the novel right now, am I correct?"

My eyes frowned at her words.

Is she...suspecting Shiina-san?

"...Yes, but don't worry about her. She won't expose anything about Ayanokoji-kun." I replied. "And no, it's impossible for her to be the distributor of the novels, even for how fast she seems to find another reader."

"But that's just your words, Ichinose-san." Sakayanagi-san's eyes squinted. "Her character may seem trustworthy, but it would be still obsolete to leave any bit of secrets to herself...

...and well...there's also no absolute whether if she is an enemy of Ayanokoji-"

"She's not." I interrupted her.

"Ho..." She mused at my defence towards Shiina-san. "That's a great faith you put for someone hiding other's private information."

"It's only obvious. She's a friend, a good friend."

"Kukuku..." she chuckled a little. "That's quite a contradictory statement, do you not think?"


"If she's a truly good friend as you described, would she really hide the information of the novel from Ayanokoji-kun?"

"That's only because she's...cautious." I claimed. "Even if she's one of the ones that received the bounty, I believe she was only finding and reading the novel for good intent, and for her own curiosity."

"But that does not exclude her from hindering our operations, would you not agree?"


I pursed my lips, as I tried hard to word a rebuttal against her claim.

"I-It may be true...but-"

"And also, if we're to claim the bounty for our own, a confrontation with her is also inevitable."

Yes, but...

I lowered my head, at a loss of how to respond to her.

"Then, it is settled." Noticing my lack of a response, Sakayanagi-san then concluded. "If you still wish to cling onto that friendship of yours, at least remember that our time is limited as well, so there's simply no room for any sentiment, Ichinose-san."

I hesitated a little, before only nodding in agreement.

Shiina-san will not be our enemy, I'm sure of that.

But right's simply difficult to get Sakayanagi-san to trust her as well...

After all, she also cared deeply about Ayanokoji-kun as well, so it's only understandable of her to be diligent for this matter, opting not to even trust anyone that can be a threat to him.

"Well..." I sighed a little. "I guess only by time can she prove you wrong. By the way, Sakayanagi-san...

...about the discovery of the exactly do you find another one this quickly?"

And then, she only proceeded to smile at my question.

"Let's just say...that person does not like leaving anything secret."


??? POV

" much did you tell your daughter, Mr Sakayanagi?"

"Not a single thing has been leaked, though I'm afraid the little girl would've found out I'm part of this scheme of yours."

"Hahahaha, as expected of her. So, what about the one at the spotlight?"

"You mean...that female student from Class 1-D?"

"No, not her. That guy obviously."

"Well, so far, nothing has been of any change. The distribution of the novel went as intended, and it went under his radar."

"Good. It's nice to see the distribution goes correctly. That's at least one thing I can be at ease of."

"...You don't seem too wary."

"Ha? Why would I be?"

"Distributing something like these is already violating the school code, and I'm at severe risk at assisting you, aren't you aware?"

"Well, it's not like the nature of those novels are misleading or interrupting anything. Like I said, treat it as a fiction or some-sort, the library sure as hell treats it that way."


"What's done has already been done. So just have fun and enjoy this, okay? Don't you find the ones out there are also enjoying this story the same way as us, hmm?"

"...fine enough. Then, if your plan proceeds well..."

"Of cause, I'll fulfil my promise. No worries."

"Very well. And you really find your position fitting? I can arrange something else if you wish, assuming I'm back into the position of power, as you stated."

"Relax. I'm enjoying the time of my life here. And who can forget? I am even going to get my eyes ready!"


"Oops, never-mind."

"...You're really a perplexing existence, stranger."

"Wow thanks, Mr Sakayanagi! That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in this world!"

"...Good night, stranger."

"Yep, have a good night...chairman."


Author's note:

And that marks the end of the reaction to Volume 2.

Now, onto volume 3 we go.

PS: Sorry for the short chapter by the way. Here's just to set everything up for the next chapters to come. Please don't treat this as the permanent case. Thanks.

PS-2: Almost forgot...Merry Christmas everyone. Hope we have a um...fairer next we always wished for.

Next chapter: A Fateful Encounter

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