Author's Note

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Hello, bronoob here. In this note there'll be some announcement for this fanfic.

First, for those who're concerned, no. This fanfic is still continuing. Yet, while I thought I could pump put the 5 chapters in-time, I made some mistakes  of creating some plot-holes, and...I'm not so happy about it. So I ended up re-doing them again...

For that reason, the next chapter will be released on Wednesday. There're issues regarding my university that I have to deal with first, so it'll take time before I can start over.

Apology again for the wait. There have been a lot of stress recently to me in regards to my university placements, and I haven't communicated with the readers since. Even though I'm still busy, I should really take the time to send a message, or notify that this fanfic will go on a hiatus for my past study.

With that being said, for those who still waited, thank you for your patience once again, and I will continue to write the chapters, including the re-write of volume 2.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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