Chapter 11: Saints and Hypocrisy (3)

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Hiyori POV

Please allow me to ask everyone of one question:

How do you confront an unstoppable beast that cannot be tamed?

How do you exactly find its weaknesses?

And if you do, how do you use it?

Because no matter the cases, pricking at the fragility of its character would not crumble its iron will. might only serve to anger the beast, prompting it to hurt you even further.


Is there...another choice?

Or...can the reconciled in some, unforeseen ways?

I ponder over these questions, as I stared at the room-door in front of me.

Gulping down my hesitation, I pressed down the button to ring the doorbell.

Footsteps sounded on the other side of the door, as my breaths began to be roughened.

And then, when the footsteps stopped, I made sure to take a deep breath.

Whatever happens onwards...I must not be afraid...I must not hesitate...

What I simply need to do is trust my own convictions.

As this is the only thing I can do right now.

The doorknob clicks, with the door opened afterwards to reveal the beast in a man-skin.

"Hm..." His sharp eyes examined me.

"I don't recall a room service."

"...Ryuen-kun..." I ignored his words, as I did not wish to fall into his chains of mockery.

"Please allow me to enter your room. I have something to ask of you."


Hiyori POV

"So," Ryuen-kun exclaimed, as he slumped himself on his bed.

"Ask quick. A man's got to sleep, so don't waste my time."

I walked only to then lean onto a wall, making sure my breath's stable, and my back's strengthened, as I faced this terrifying presence of a man.

As I faced him though, my eyes shifted as I noticed a book sitting on the bed right beside Ryuen-kun...the book from the morning I saw him reading...

...the book with a purple, paper cover...

"What?" Ryuen-kun snapped me out of the daze. "You in a tantrum or something? Just ask whatever you need and get over it."

Is he...encouraging me to start my advances?

My fist tightened, as a hasty heartbeat coursed through my body.

"...Ryuen-kun..." I finally asked the inevitable. "Did you read a volume of 'the classroom of the elite'?"

Ryuen-kun raised a brow.

"What's that?" He asked.

I lowered my head, trying to sort out the words I need to crack open this case.

"The behaviour of yours is...weird, Ryuen-kun." I said, my stare still stuck on the ground.

"For some reason, you approached me in an attempt to help me that day, despite you're a person who valued your pride over everything else. Not only that, you tested me of my own strength in deduction, as if you're planning to have a use of me in that field or something else..."

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