Chapter 2: Front and Behind

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Hiyori POV

"Horikita-san seems...a bit different from what I imagined." I commented to myself.

It has been a while since I read through this novel. Ayanokoji-kun has already left the library to return to the dormitory after school, and I remained to continue my reading, since it'll be a while till the library is closed.

My heart stung a bit for being left alone, but that feeling quickly dispersed as I was reading this novel. After all, this novel was a story of Ayanokoji-kun, a collection of his everyday life at this school.

And knowing I can discover all of it...that fact alone eases me.

But wasn't really just a record of Ayanokoji-kun's story.

I remarked, as I continued scrolling through the novel, imagining the failed study session between Horikita-san, Sudou-kun, and the others from Ayanokoji-kun's prespective.

Although Horikita-san always seemed like a competent leader to me, my impression of her has a large contradiction with this event. No matter it is how she mercilessly mocked Sudo-kun for his lack of commitment, or how she handled her teachings with the others, it was, to put it simply, a complete mess.

But I'm sure this Horikita-san is gone by now. After all, I reject the notion that any classmate of hers will gladly accept such an incompetent person to be their leader. If she's accepted to be the face of her own class, she must have undergone some issues of her own this year, and subsequent changes that toned down her ego and renewed her personality.

...Issue, is it?

If I continue to read through this novel, I'm sure I will stumble across other classmates' private matters and issues as well, like what issues Horikita-san went through to change as a person. While there's indeed a saying like 'it's not a sin to come across a secret, but what you choose to do with it', I still feel a little guilty for prying into everyone for their own short-comings.

"But I can't continue to read on...if I kept being concerned of this guilt of mine, can I?"

I take a look at the clock on the wall which just passed the closing time, before proceeding to leave, holding the book at my hand.


Right after leaving school, I walked down the road to the dormitory, while also continuing to read the novel.

But just after finishing the scene of the study session, I stumbled upon a common sequence for a story.

Ayanokoji-kun chasing seems as if something is about to be revealed.

As I noticed this, I began to unconsciously focus my mind onto the event that is unfolding. From what I have heard, Kushida-san seemed like what anyone would call a 'perfect person'. Grades, appearances, attitude, demeanor, and an unrivaled social skill...She was depicted to such a length that if Ichinose-san was a saint, then Kushida-san would be an angel descended from the heaven.

Yet, I found these depictions to be misleading. Even Ichinose-san had her own weaknesses found by the rumors, so it was unnatural for me that such a 'perfect person' to not have a single flaw.

I wonder...if she was purposefully hiding her own flaws....

With this lingering suspicion in mind, I was suddenly reminded of the guilt I felt back in the library. Another short-coming of a person was about to be revealed, yet it was my curiosity that has completely won over my guilt.

It is strange...It's like I start to see them as fictional characters, but not actual people....

Carrying this thought, I went on to unravel this scene through Ayanokoji-kun.

To Unfold A Mystery (Hiyori x Kiyotaka Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now