Chapter 5: façade

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Hiyori POV

I blinked once, looking at the cover of the book I'm holding.

Am I dreaming?

Just the next morning after I went down the dorm, I noticed there was something stuffed inside my mailbox. Then I opened and took it out, only to find it to be a novel...

A novel with the cover titled: 'Classroom of the elite - Volume 2'.

At first, an unprecedented amount of surprise washed over me. Then, it was replaced by an utter excitement, as my temptation boiled for me to fling open the cover and read the contents inside.

But before that...

I opened the cover, only to flip the page to the last page of this book, hoping to find what I'm looking for.

And just at right, bottom corner, I spotted a library stamp, just like the one I saw yesterday when I borrowed the novel.

A relief came through me, as my worry was expelled out by this stamp.

While it was unclear what date this book was borrowed on, it is still clear that this book's origin came from the library. I suspected that this book might be a fraud at first, but it's another case if this book contained an evidence of official approval, like this stamp for example. Combined with the fact that I found Volume 1 in the school library, it seems like I have nothing to worry about.

But why would the library send me this book though? Or is there another student who send this volume over to me? But is there any reason for them to do so? Or is it another plot made by someone behind the scene? Then what is their goal in doing thi-

I shook my head. I overthought again. If I processed all of these questions and attempted to answer them one by one, there won't be any sufficient evidence for me resolve all of them in any cases, so it would be useless to attempt to answer all of them.

I took a deep breath, before flipping the page over to the opening chapter of this book. Right now, this is all I can bathe in my curiosity of this novel's gather clues for solving the mystery known as Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.



...Well...this is different from what I expected.

A monologue by Sakura Airi...It is quite simple to grasp that she was a shy, socially-awkward girl from this first chapter. And yet, the girl, who used to be comfortable being alone in this novel, is now accompanied by a group of 4 friends in the reality...

I giggled. I wonder who led to that change...

"You seem quite happy for a morning."

My heart skipped a bit, as I turned towards the source of the voice.

"G-Good morning, Ayanokoji-kun..."

Ayanokoji-kun looked over to the book I'm holding. In realization to this, I hurried shut the book closed, as it would prove to be troublesome if he knew what I was reading.

...Though that sudden action probably made me suspicious already...I can tell.

"By the way," I tried to control the conversation, before he inevitably asked the reason for my unusual behavior.

"Thank you very much for calling Ryuen-kun yesterday."

I stated my thanks to Ayanokoji-kun, only to see Ayanokoji-kun tilting his head in response.

"Ryuen? What happened yesterday? What did I do to deserve your thanks?"

I observed Ayanokoji-kun's unchanged expression, as I sighed, from the deepest of my heart.

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