Author's note (A Little QnA)

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(This note will be kept as draft for reference purposes)

So...just a little QnA, as I wish to know of how the readers feel so far, as well as if I will need to correct some of the writing accordingly.

1. How's every character so far? Any out-of-character traits you find frustrating?

(Eg. Hiyori being too emotional, though I reasoned that originate from her inexperience with dealing with emotions as well as the novel's events)

2. Does anyone wish any character's POV other than Hiyori's? Including the scenes from before and after the current chapter (Chapter 16)?

3. *Request the scenes you wish Hiyori will react to here. There're some key scenes I have in mind, but I also wish I won't miss anything the readers want Hiyori to react to.

4. Lastly, of coz, how's the story so far? Any clunky spot of the writings? Or any plot-holes you have spotted?

(Though, some of them will eventually be explained in-time, please write them here if you wish to point them out)

Of course, if there's anything I can answer or justify, I'll explain immediately.

Also, while I understand that some of the readers only wish for the fanfic to be written solely without any interruption, i.e just letting me write what I want, I also wish that the fanfic is up to the quality that will satisfy readers' expectations, thus this QnA. So allow me to also humbly request for your assistance to writing this fanfic.

Other than that, the next chapter will be released tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Once again, I ask for your condolences.

With that, as always, thank you for taking time to read this note.

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