Chapter 13: Apology (1)

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"It is this late already...huh?"

As I took a peek at my phone's clock that reached 11:30pm, I decided to take a midnight stroll, as I can't really have any sleep after all...

It has been a long time since Kiyotaka explained everything to me. By then, the sun has already set, and the moon began to awake in its place. At the night, the pathway towards the dormitory is as empty as ever, as a looming silence watched over me who still crossed the path.

As the silence began to sink in, the guilt of mine has also started to tinker in my heart as well, merging from my sea of emotion... this...really the right thing to do?



...Flashback: 6 hours ago...


"...Did I not explain clearly?"

"No-no-no-no, it's just...ha?"

Kiyotaka stared at my disbelief, as my mind was in a complete disarray at the information I just received.

He then proceeded to carry on the conversation. 

"Yes, it may be unbelievable, but some way or another, someone has been passing over my information, or more precisely, my life at this school, written in words at some novels."!

"Tha-that's still impossible, right?" I tried to make sense of this as I asked.

"I mean...someone drafting your whole life into a book series? Even the gods have better things to do, right? What's entertaining about your private life any-"

I shut my mouth, realising what I've just said.

"...actually scratch that." I sighed. "Your life would be one hell of a thing to write about."

Like, I don't know about anyone, but a book about Kiyotaka? I would've sacrificed a whole 3-years worth of points to buy that.

"I would take that as a compliment." He replied. "But yes, please ignore who would be interested enough at writing my story, or what use of his for distributing it around in the form of novels...

...right now, it's all just a possible theory, and I can confirm if it's true tonight."


Kiyotaka nodded in response. "If all things go well, Airi should be convinced to confess to me by now, and this theory would hold a lot more credibility if it happens."




Listening to my screech, Kiyotaka shrugged his head.

"I figure you would need an explanation."

Yes, I do, Please!

I pressed down my bursting urge to shout, before having to make sure my brain isn't as fuzzy to miss any detail.

"Now then..." he began to explain.

"Around a week ago, I have noticed some strange behaviors from Airi. Originally I paid no heed to them, but then she started to avoid conversing with me when our group is out for meeting, even opting not to attend in some cases. I thought if I did something wrong, but then I realized the number of times she sneaked glances to me increases, and how she won't look at me like the usual when we had a conversation, so I suspected this is due to her growing affection, possibly caused by reading something about me."

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