Chapter 7: A Mere Treat

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Hiyori POV

As I was walking along the hallway to the cafeteria, I read the confession scene from the novel, and the words from Ayanokoji-kun sounded in my head:

Confessing to someone is not an easy thing. You simulate it in your mind over and over again, spending every day in anguish, yet still cannot confess. Even when you think you'll confess, the word 'love' hangs in your throat and does not come out. I think her earnest feelings deserve a proper answer, don't you think? Being in such a situation and never speaking up only leaves regret.

I have already read this scene during the lesson, and yet, to think it would become the driver to prove my own theory's a bit unexpected.

Still, it'll be hypocritical of me...attempting to pry open someone's feelings, when I have proven myself to be dishonest towards my own feelings, never finding the courage to convey them in words to others.'s still necessary...if I want to move forward with this mystery.

As this thought solidifies my resolve, I arrive at the entrance to the cafeteria.

Right here...whether it's possible or not...I'll take the first step to answer every little questions revolting in my mind.


Hiyori POV

"So you'll really pay for me?" Ayanokoji-kun asked.

It took a moment for me to find Ayanokoji-kun besides the ticket machine for the lunch, and when I met him, he asked this question immediately.

"Yes," I nodded, hugging the novel at my chest. "Please eat up as you wish. Again, you can treat it as a token of our friendship."

Ayanokoji-kun stared at me for a while, before only turning to ticket machine and pointing towards an option of a daily special.

I bought the ticket for him and urged him to get his meal first, telling him I would wait for him at a table.

...Now then...

As Ayanokoji-kun walked off, I glanced around the cafeteria, only to notice a group of two girls and boys sitting together at the table.

...So they're really here...

I held out the book away from my chest, as I walked past the group, and chose a table just at the corner far away from them, but a spot nevertheless convenient for them to peek at me.

I sat down, rested my hands and the novel onto the table, and waited. When I was waiting, I looked around a little, before noticing someone sitting on the far end of the table as well.

I blinked. I never calculated that she would be here as well.

That made things a little easier...just a little...

A few minutes passed, as Ayanokoji-kun walked to me with a tray at his hands, the meal set on the tray, shining with its luxurious seafood, ranged from a bowl of fried shrimps to a stack of oysters.

"You're not going to order anything?" Ayanokoji-kun asked, as he sat across from me.

I shook my head. "Please do not worry. I simply don't have the appetite today."

A lie and a truth...Since it would be the first time I tricked Ayanokoji-kun, or anyone into a trickery, the guilt slept soundly within me.'s also because I can feel their harshly gazes at me, attempting to bare deep into my intentions.

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