Chapter 3: Schemers

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Hiyori POV

"What? Can't you just be satisfied that I'm here to put you out of this mess, Hiyori?" Ryuen-kun replied.

"You look quite weak there, like a prey for that snake to sunk its teeth in."

I gulped a little, as I faced Ryuen-kun with a stern yet carefree gaze, one that can only be found from this man.

This is the first time I attempted to challenge Ryuen-kun by questioning his actions. Almost every time, our conversations would just be a kind of casual, nonchalant chit-chat, and yet now, I'm facing him with a serious front, intending to pry into his mind and discover his motive.

"Can you pleas-"

I closed my lips. I am alone here. There's no other people here at this road who will support my courage. Therefore, I have to be more direct against Ryuen-kun. I can't afford to show him any leeway to dodge the topic, only to plummet me with my own weakness.

I calmed my heart, which is still shaken from the storm just now.

Then, I resolved myself to face Ryuen-kun.

"Please tell me why you are here long after school is dismissed, right now."

"Mh...." Ryuen-kun hummed as he mused my firmed tone.

"Quite a strong word coming out from a princess. Can't you at least appreciate the prince that just saved you?"

"I apologize for that, Ryuen-kun, but I want you to answer me honestly..."

I took a deep breath, before firming my words.

"Tell me, why are you here?"

Ryuen-kun tilted his head, seemingly amused by my unusual attitude.

"Kuku...You don't seem like you're appreciating me enough, but very well..." Ryuen-kun shrugged.

"I was just passing by, you know? Figured I would have time for a little stroll on the park, before I found you and Kikyo just tagging each other along like buddy-to-buddy. I am interested at what conversation you're having, so I just crash the any problem, princess?"

"I see...Then, tell me, how coincident is it for that to happen?"

"Hm...what can you possibly mean?"

"It's quite convenient for you to pass by, just in time to witness Kushida-san asserting herself onto me, right?"

Just now, Kushida-san won against me in a battle of tongue because she remained aggressive, leading our conversation, only then to shock me by discovering and opening flaws in my words and tone. Therefore, I did something similar also: being aggressive, leading the conversation, and finding holes in Ryuen-kun's justification.

However, I took a deep breath once again. This manner of speech still proves to be tiresome for me, as it is something I'm not used to have. Still, it's something that is at least necessary to fight against Ryuen-kun, an existence with an unparalleled, stubborn will.

"Seems like it..." Ryuen-kun's words broke my chain of thoughts. "Looks like you're just quite a lucky one here, Hiyori."

"Come to think of it..." I ignored Ryuen-kun's answer, as I attempted to lead the conversation again. "All of the events that just transpired is a bit much of a coincidence to ignore. Not mentioning your appearance, Kushida-san's unexpected appearance is also suspicious. If she was seen by students that she was forcing her demeanor onto me, her reputation will inevitably be harmed." I commented.

"However, this is a period long after school is dismissed, when students either already went back to their dormitory, spend their rest of the time in Keyaki Mall, or still undergoing after-school activities at school. Therefore, there's barely any student who would pass by the road to the dormitory, but Kushida-san, for some unforeseen reason, was also at this road to the dormitory, and just approached me without any restraint."

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