Chapter 6: Under the Silence

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Hiyori POV long have I been standing here?

I put up strength to raise my head, forcing myself back to reality. Then I took deep breath, attempting to settle my hustling thoughts.

To be standing in one place...just to think and reflect surprisingly refreshing. Before I knew it, my emotions have been put to a lull, as my rationality had a complete control over my sizzling mind for all its operative performances.

And still, I couldn't accept it...the possibility that Ayanokoji-kun can be using me.

Ryuen-kun was right...It is only because my own biases and emotions that blinded of my own judgment and conclusion. It's a simple problem, with a simple solution. And I thought if I can maintain rational right now, all that's left is to accept this possibility...

...Yet I still refused it...

In the end, after all that Ryuen-kun have to scold me for, I still haven't changed...I still defend my heart for my fragile emotions, like holding a glass frame that's half-shattered.

Still, I can't keep standing here, even when my desperation to accept the truth still remained...

I stapled my thoughts with my action, as I continued to walk forward to school.


Hiyori POV

As I was still on the way to school, the frustration is still looming over my frames of mind, so I started to flip over the pages of the novel once again, in wish to distract myself by reading.




I sighed, as I closed the book, having read up to the conversation between Ichinose-san and Ayanokoji-kun.

The scene of she rationalized Sudo-kun as an unneeded asset was sounded clear in my gallery of memories. I knew this is cruel...that she would not concern herself over matters unbeneficial of hers, while also not having faith over Sudo-kun for his violent tendency, but still...I somehow empathize with her, at least right now, for how frustrated she must be for Sudo-kun to be allegedly committing another crime of his own.

Obviously though, I'm glad that Horikita-san settled her differences with Sudo-kun right now in reality, in some ways or another.

But what stood out  to me the most must be Sakura-san's conversation with Ayanokoji-kun. Throughout the sequences, this is the only proper conversation she hled, where she explained her habit and claimed she wasn't paying attention. It's apparent that she was attempting to express her guilt over hiding her own involvement of the incident, but to think that she would find Ayanokoji-kun of all people for it...

And Ayanokoji-kun also met Ichinose-san and converse with her not long after as well...could it be that Ayanokoji-kun is more of a 'playboy' character than I imagined?

I hang my head and let out a tired chuckle, having to find both interest and wariness in Ayanokoji-kun's natural affinity with females.

After relaxing my mind a little, I finally arrived at the entrance to the school, but there, I found a peculiar pair...

"Have Ichinose-san and Kairuzawa-san been this close before...?"

I questioned under my breath, as I approached the pair at the side of the entrance, having to find my curiosity intrigued.

"Thanks, Kairuzawa-san! You've been a great help-Oh, Shinna-san!"

As Ichinose-san mumbled, she became aware of my presence as she greeted me.

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