Chapter 22: A Fun Stupidity, An Unfunny Joke

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After a series of events unbeknownst to Hiyori, she met Koenji on her way to school, only to discover his identity as a reader and his intent to go after the ones behind the novel.

And yet, the surprise doesn't end there. Instead, she again met another reader who's at her class, Ibuki, and they decided to have a talk on this matter.

Hiyori POV

Time: Lunch Period

Place: Pavement, to Library

As Ibuki-san revealed she's one of the readers, we decided to head to the library for a request of my own. On our way there, we exchanged information with each other regarding the events around us recently, in particular to matters related to mine and Sakayanagi-san.

"So basically," Ibuki-san began to conclude her thoughts. "You got the novels, a bunch of no-good had their eyes on you, and Ayanokoji seduced you. Got it."

"Uh...I would not describe it as 'seduce' though..."

"Hah? Don't tell me you think what he did is something a friend would do."

"Let's...claim his actions always have a benevolent intent..."

"Well, whatever." She sighed. "Not like I know or care about what's between you and that monster."

As expected...Ibuki-san is not particularly favourable towards Ayanokoji-kun.

"But more importantly..." Ibuki-san squinted her eyes on me. "You said Ryuen, of all people, decided to waste his time to 'mentor' you?"

"It seems so," I answered. "While it is out of character for him, he probably made the decision after he read the novel."

"So that guy got sick over the head after all?"

"No, he's healthy at the current moment."

"He-Yeah, no way," Ibuki-san sneered. "I've been with him long enough to know he's not someone to put down his damn pride like that. He's definitely scheming something else."

Truthfully, Ibuki-san has made her point. For someone whose pride is one of his primary characters.

However, as I observed him, the air surrounding him definitely changed a little. At least, if one looks closely at him, the humbleness will definitely be evident from his demeanour.

Though...being with him long

"Pft-" I held my chuckle.

"What?" Ibuki-san questioned, not understanding what I found funny of her quote.

"Well," I smiled. "I merely found it amusing how your statement resembles a love confession, that's all."

"Heh?!" She snorted. "What did you sniff up to reach to that conclusion?"

"Please do not mind my bluntness, Ibuki-san." I quickly ended this topic. "It is merely a dry humour."

"Like hell that's humour," she scolded. "Did you pick it up from the novel or something?"

Picking up humour from the novel...from it?

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