Chapter 23: Culprits (1)

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Hiyori POV

I'm aware of this kind of scenario

Culprits revealing themselves at the front, announcing their crimes and intentions, then proceeding to bow and exit the stage gracefully. a common ending from the novel.

However, if used correctly, it can have an unrelenting devastation in the opening, provided with limited context.

I'm completely aware of scenes with these calibers.

Yet reading it and experiencing it...are two different matters.

Because sitting right in front of the centre of all the incidents of the most peculiarity.

The one culprit that connects them all.

"Hm, you seem more surprised than I imagined?" He titled his head, unfazed eyes scanning our expressions. "Well well well, that's a disappointment from my part."

"Y-You!" Ibuki-san shouted. "From the start, what are you yelping abo-"

"Shh...silence at the library." He put a finger over his lips. "Right now, there's nothing you can do. That, I can promise you."


"Look at your surroundings," he shrugged his hands. "Why would I say anything if there's even a single person at sight? Well, it's more convenient for me to be interpreted as an idiot, but...actually, nah. I have a teeny, tiny dignity to uphold."

"But that also means..." I frowned. "You admit it, right?"

"Hehehe," he giggled. "That's right. I'm the one who-"

"Yeah yeah, we get who you are already."


"So now..." She said, cracking her knuckles. "We just beat him up, bring him to the teachers, get him arrested. Done, problems solved."

"Wait wait wait hold on, let me do my intro properly first-"

"Alright, so do you prefer getting your eyes poked out first? Or maybe a punch in your face is more straightforward?"

"Like I said, listen to me first..."

"Wait, Ibuki-san," I grasped her hand. "It might be a better idea to listen first..."

"Don't tell me you're hesitating now of all time, Shiina." She scolded, shaking my hand off.

In all honesty, even with her method involving a mild, violently brawl, there's almost nothing I can disagree with her solution.

However, acting with haste may instead lead to our ruin here.

"Of course she would hesitate, why wouldn't she?"

Listening to his mocking, we both shot a strict gaze at him.

"That Shiina over there..." he smiled. "You sure don't want him to find out, do you?"

I frowned towards remark.

He...knew what my intention to stop Ibuki-san is?

"Your face is showing everything." He leaned back towards the chair, relaxed. "But I suppose...I don't mind getting accused once in a while. In fact, it might be more fun to be the accused than I ever could've imagined."

"You little shit..." Ibuki-san groaned. "What's with that cockiness? You think you can get away from this unscratched?!"


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