Prologue: An Opening of A Mystery

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"Kiyotaka Ayanokoji..."

I glanced over once again at the words on this book that I held. Earlier, I was keen on picking up a new set of books to read for this month, when instead, I found this light-novel book in the mystery genre. I was going to put it back into its right place, when I became curious though, so I ended up turning over a few pages instead.

And from there, I found a name I am familiar with, imprinted right at the corner of this page.

At that moment, I was slightly shocked. Indeed, while the opening about this book regarding equality and reality is quite peculiar, it was not my expectation to find the name of my book-buddy having to be on this book, nor did I expect to find a book like this in the mystery genre either.

But then, I sighed for a bit, calming down my stimulated mind. The name 'Ayanokoji Kiyotaka' was not necessarily an uncommon name, so it would be silly for me to over-react on this, right?

Still, I ended up getting curious about this book, so I decided to continue reading a few pages.




The setting...the opening...the exactly can all of these be the exact same to this school!?

I read on and on, only to find out this entire book was centered around 'Ayanokoji's' perspective as well. Everything seems bizarre and unreal, yet it doesn't exactly differ from the Ayanokoji that I knew. This is highly possible that it is actually him that is being recorded in this book, and it would seem as well that the entire book was centered around his life as well.

Afterwards, it got me curious: What kind of an author can encapsulate all of these into words? How is it that he knew all of the school's details and the students' private life? Is it merely creation? Or is it another depiction of our reality?

Or maybe, could it be that it is actually Ayanokoji writing this boo-


A voice broke my trance of surprise and thoughts, as I turned over to the source of the voice.

"Kiyo-Ayanokoji-kun," I stuttered

"What's wrong? Your face seems pale," he remarked.

I shook my head. "No, it's fine. I'm just immersed into this book, that's all."



Ayanokoji-kun seemed to still have his doubt, as he pondered between me and the book I was holding.

I'm pretty sure the tone of my voice sounded less pleasant than usual, but it was not my intention. Maybe I need to evaluate how to handle certain shock like this next time.

"Alright then. Then can you please tell me what are you reading?" he asked.

That's a difficult question. How should I answer this without upsetting his request?

After a short pause, I answered, "sorry, I'm still processing what's exactly being conveyed in this book, maybe another time?"

I noticed Ayanokoji-kun frowned a bit, looking puzzled. I understand that concern of his, as in his eyes, there is rarely a book that I cannot understand. But it still remains the truth.

This book that I am holding...I feel like it is not something simple to be ignored.

"That's okay." He replied.

After that, he went over to a section to pick out a book whose author's name I recognized and once recommended to Ayanokoji-kun. Then when he walked along the drawers to the table we usually do the readings on, I followed along, as this is part of our usual routine for our reading session.

At that point in time, I couldn't help but to look at the cover of the book I am holding once again. This book's cover is completely blank, only titled 'Classroom of the Elite', with the author named stated below -

'Syougo Kinugasa'

It is a name I did not recognize at all from my memories. I did not remember any name like this one at the school as well, so he couldn't have been a student. There is also the possibility that he can be one of the sponsors or a man of authority at this school, but it's unreasonable to think of a reason for a need to write such a book like this, is it not?

So who is this author? What is his relationship with this school? How can he withhold so many information about our school life?

And most importantly, why choose Ayanokoji-kun as the main character of the story? Does this mean this name is merely a book-name, that its only purpose is to guise the fact that it is Ayanokoji-kun writing this book? But in the first place, is there any reason for him to particularly write this story?

As I was following Ayanokoji-kun, a certain determination was lit in my heart. This book did indeed flood my mind with questions after questions, but I have no intention to let them remain unresolved.

After all, a great mystery story is being unfolded in my life, and it would be disrespectful of me to ignore it.

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