Chapter 17: A Fateful Encounter (2)

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Ichinose POV

"She's only asleep." Ayanokoji-kun answered. "She didn't seem to sleep much last night after all."

"Didn't...sleep much?"

"Mhm," he nodded. "At least, she seems to even have lost track of the time, or else, I doubt she'll be awake this early."

Yeah...I figure this would be the case...

I awoke early as well to meet Shiina-san, so that I can discuss the matter of the novel properly with her. But it appears that Shiina-san had awaken a lot more early as well, to the point there's almost not a single student in sight on their way to school.

But that begs the question...why would Ayanokoji-kun be this early as well?

No...but still most importantly...

"But why?" I asked. "Why is she in this condi-"

It's at this moment, did my gaze land on a novel, which is being hugged by Shiina-san.

Is that...the COTE novel?

Shiina-san's current condition...there's no possible way she'll fall to this state normally without any specific occasions. Although I'm not a close friend to Shiina-san, at the very least, I know she's not a person that'll neglect her health like this. must have something to do with that with the novel...right?

"I'll explain later, Ichinose. Now if you would excuse me-"


I gazed away from them, attempting to recollect my thoughts.

Will...will Ayanokoji-kun be suspicious of me if I do this?

Will Sakayanagi-san have mocked me for my decision here?

Will..Shiina-san hate me after this?

I shook my head, as I returned my gaze towards the novel.

Forgive me, Shiina-san...

But for Ayanokoji-kun...for my class...for you...I have to make the decision here...

And so, as I steeled my heart, I made a request to Ayanokoji-kun...

A request that will inevitably betray my dear friend's trust.

"Please give me the novel that Shiina-san is clutching, Ayanokoji-kun."

Kiyotaka POV

Well...that's a bit troublesome.

"...May you explain the reason?" I tested.

"Sorry, but I can't afford to tell you, at least...not now." She answered. "But it's important for me, and...for Shiina-san as well, so please hand the novel over to me."

"But you do realise what you're requesting here, don't you?" I challenged her. "You're telling me to give something that belonged to Hiyori to you, even without her permission. You understand what consequences it will hold, should she find out about this, am I correct?"

She's doing this without Hiyori's agreement...despite of the possible aftermath of how their trust will be broken.

This is completely out-of-character for Ichinose, as out of anyone from the 1st year, she's the most socially responsible out of all the classmates, and she also follows a strict, inviolable moral code of hers, and one of those definitely included: Not to betray any trust that her friends have on her.

And yet, for the sake of the novel, she still chose to break that character trait of hers...

But I don't think...well, would not like to think my information is worth that much for her to break character like this.

To Unfold A Mystery (Hiyori x Kiyotaka Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now