Chapter 19: Minor Differences

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Ryuen POV

"...That's it for today, Ryuen. Thank you for notifying me of Shiina's absence."

As Sakagami closed the door right in front of me, I strolled down the hallway back to the classroom.

I do was quite an annoyance to follow his order.

But right now, it's better to do it myself, since I doubt Hiyori would cooperate with me if I have not otherwise, given how she cared for her class...

...and how I refused to cooperate with that man.

As I arrived at the closed classroom door, I stopped in front of it, staring at the figure leaning onto the door.

"Move it, Ibuki." I ordered.

"No," she crossed her hands. "Not until you tell me what's been going on."

"Heh." I laughed. "Did you mistaken me as someone else? Why do you think I would answer anything at all?

"You think I would care about that?" Ibuki got slightly irritated. "Tell me, why are you the one to notify the teacher of her absence?"

My brow perked up. "Since when do you care about her?"

"That's exactly why I'm asking you." She dodged the question. "You don't give a crap about what's happening to Class D now, so why are you willing to attend to the teacher to notify of her absence?"

"So?" I smirked. "Can't I just feel like I'm taking care of a classmate once in a while?"

"Then you have either gone insane, or become downright pathetic." She rebutted. "You're not the person who would trouble yourself to meddle into this matter. So what're you planning again? Or did something happen to her that interests you?"

"Nothing," I groaned, a little annoyed at her bombardment of questions. "If it's what you're concerning, don't. I have not a single interest in returning to be the leader again."

"That's not what I-"

"Oya oya."

As a caning sound echoed in the hallway, I immediately recognised the source, as I turned to the short figure, staring up at us at the hallway.

I clicked my tongue. One annoyance after the other, what a hell of shitty morning this is.

"Having a little chit-chat with your 'friend' now, Ryuen-kun?" She commented. "You seem to be quite lax for someone who falls off the throne."

"And you seem to be quite confident I wouldn't tear your face off in rewards to your mockery, Sakayanagi."

I glanced the midget's sides, her usual bodyguards' absence nagging me.

Why are her dogs missing here? Is there any reason for her not to be accompanied?

"If it is at a hound who hasn't lost its claws yet? I suppose." Her mocking interrupted my thought.

"However, I cannot help but be amused at how annoyed you seem right now, Ryuen-kun. Is it my presence here that has greatly offended you? Or is it something else this morning?"

"Whatever," I responded. "I'm not interested at having a meaningless quarrel with you. Just move along."

"Oh, but I would like to have a with you, Ryuen-kun." She retorted, plastering on a sickening smile. "After all, as someone who also received the bounty, you sure sent in quite an excellent subordinate to finish your dirty work."

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