Bounus Chapter: Christmas Saves the Year

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I wake up and check my phone finally, Christmas Eve! I've always loved Christmas so being able to celebrate with the boys is awesome, it sucks though that this year I can't see my family.

I get up and run to the bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I brush my hair and put some light makeup on of course never forgetting my iconic lip gloss.
I make my way to the living room and admire the huge tree. I had to convince the boys to let me get the tree.

In the end however they all helped me decorate it. Jungkook even lifted me up to put the star on the tree since I am the youngest.

And also Jungkook besides Namjoon was the only one that could lift me up for that long, poor Jin he was almost crushed.
I head to the kitchen and to make my coffee. I still have so many presents to wrap, I think I spoiled the boys way too much.

Luckily the boys work today so I wrapped their gifts without them seeing and no distractions. The bad thing is they work on Christmas Eve and I miss them so much.

I wrapped Joon's. first, couldn't really wrap. I put a big red bow on it and signed my name on the tag it came with.. I got him a new bike. It's a dopey white and grey bike. I even got the seat engraved with the date we all met. I also got him a couple of books he wanted as well as some new shirts and pants. I also got him a new pair of sneakers he wanted.

Next I wrap Jin's gift. I got him this new set of Knives he wanted for cooking. They're made of real silver and he fell in love with them, I think more than me. I also got him a hand mirror to take with him around with him, with his name engraved into it. I also got him some new clothes and pants that he liked. Oh and I also got him some new pans and bowls that he really liked, also made of silver.

Next was Yoongi but he was much harder out of all. I had to really think for him. So I decided to get a guitar that he always wanted, but it's signed by the Brian May from Queen. Do not ask how I got it! I also got him a new keyboard he wanted, with headphones as well. I also got him new clothes, I got all the boys new clothes okay! I also however bought him this shirt that I wanted to see him in, cause my man is sexy.

Next Hobi and Oof did I really go in. He was the easiest because he's a ball of sunshine who would love it even if you got him a card. I also got him some new sneakers and some new clothes from supreme. However there was one thing he really wanted which was a plushie, a smiley face plushie and of course I bought him the bright yellow one. I also got him some cologne.

Next was Jimin. Now Jimin is always complimenting the necklace I wear with a silver Chanel necklace that Tae bought me a while back, so I bought him the same one. Then I bought him these earrings he kept staring at when we went to New York he stayed focused on it. I also got him some cologne as well.

Taehyung was next. I got him a new camera that he wanted, it's one of those retros cameras. It had some color to it and it had a string to hold it around your chest. I also got him an album to take with him to put the pictures in. I might have snuck a pic of myself and put it in the album. As well as a jazz record as well as new paints.

Lastly Oof was Jungkook, my small baby. I got him new games that he wanted and a PS4. I also got him some new bucket hats, preferably for him black of course but I did throw in some grey and red. I couldn't forget his art set he really wanted so I got him this really nice one that has his name on it. I also got him a new camera since he accidentally broke his last one.

However this last gift that I got them was something for all of us. In Japan I bought bracelets that mean different things. The first one means to be a leader, strong, smart, takes responsibility but also caring and considerate, Namjoon.

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