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Center stage. Single spotlight. Tears flow from eyes which makes my performance more dramatic but these tears... I'm not acting.

The boys came home, however I did not notice them walk in at all. I was dancing to Bad Bunny and Drake's song Mia of course while it played from the t.v. I was singing to the song and swaying my hips to the beat when I feel some one in the living room well more like I seven people and I turn to the boys, but that doesn't stop me from dancing and singing.

I dance over to Hobi and I turn so my back faces his front. I started swaying my hips on him lightly, at first he is alittle stiff but a couple seconds later and he's dancing to. Then I turn around to move behind his back and take off his sweater. He takes off his shoes in the process as well as the other guys do. I move over to Namjoon and take his sweater off to, I want to rub his shoulders but he's to big to do that while he stands.

I then set eyes on Jungkook and move my way over to him hips still swaying of course. I dance and sing the lyrics in front of him and at first he puts his head down a little shy. I lift his head up to look at me and he smiles at me showing me that sweet bunny smile. I smile at him to and turn around to dance on him, but it doesn't feel sexually it's sweet and kind of romantic. The song changes and it's juicy my Doja cat, I run to change the song.

"Why did you change it jagi?" Jimin ask. "You guys aren't ready to see me get that lit yet" I laugh a little to myself.

The boys settle in on the couch and I sit down next to Jimin whos head is on shoulder. Taehyung comes over and puts his head on lap and then here comes Jungkook on the other side of me on my right. Jin was to tired to cook so he ordered in and sat on the couch.

The boys play a movie after arguing which movie so I decide of course and I choose a chick flick with Koeran subtitles for the boys. While were watching I feel a hand creep up to my leg and rup my tigh softly. I look to see it's Jungkooks hand. I have to restrain myself from moving to quick with the boys but I wanted Jungkook now. So I took his hand and guided him to my room after seeing most of the boys were sleeping.

I guide Jk to my bed and to my surprise as we walk in he locks the door. He looks around my room like he's never seen it before. Well I guess he's only fallen asleep in here twice this, Tae for some reason is very fast or sometimes Tae is already in my bed, so the boys don't get much of a chance to sleep next to me.

He looks around at the photographs on my wall that I've taken. He even looks through some albums I have full of photos, each labeled with different projects I worked on. He looks at the posters on my wall majority movie posters, like Kill Bill, Inglorious Bastards, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, even The Nightmare Before Christmas. There are also some Broadway plays on my wall my favorite Hamilton of course and In The Heights.
"Nice posters" Jungkook said. "Why this?" He points to to Hamilton. 

"I thought about being performer before photographer but then gave up when dance classes where to expensive so I just practiced almost everyday after school with my schools dances teacher she was really nice, always believed in me"
Jungkook smikes "I believe in you" I blush and look away.

Jungkook picks up the family album and brings it towards the bed where I am right now
"Noona is this your family?" He says softly looking through the album. "Yea, that's my mom and me when I was a baby" I laugh a little. Jk smiles a little while looking at the photo then back at me. I couldn't wait any longer so I took the album from Jungkook and placed it on my desk gently of course and sat back down on the bed

⚠️Smut Warning ⚠️
(A/N) I've never written smut before so hopefully you enjoy it 💜💜💜

I sat right next time our faces almost inches and with great surprise he kisses me, Jungkook kisses me. I kiss back almost instantly still a little taken back by the sudden boldeness, however I still don't want to rush him so I'll try my best to skip sex tonight unless of course he's comfortable.

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