My Love Song?

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Yoongi plays the song, it truly is beautiful. Then I realize it's a love song, he speaks of love and even a little lost. The lyric that really touches me is Nothing can stop the love I feel for her.

"Yoongi...I love it" He smiles at me giving me that gummy smile that I love. "And I know you couldn't say it, but I love you Yoongi, but I just have one question" He looks up at me. "Yes (Y/n)?"
"Why now? Why wait to tell me. You've been so cold to me, you barely even looked at me when I said I was coming back to New York. You say you love me but you avoid me"

He sets down his mug and looks me into my eyes, my heart skips a beat. "(Y/n)." I stare back at him. "Yes'' he begins to speak. "(Y/n) when we all first met you, I fell in love with you. You are everything i've ever wanted and more. I didn't want to let you in because I was scared of something like this happening. Scared of you leaving us and not coming back, so I backed off. I stood to myself. Never went to your room, never touched you, never kissed you, never spoke with you as much as I wanted to. I didn't want either of us to get hurt, but the more I thought about it now, I was only hurting myself, by letting myself love you. I was hurt when you left, but don't get me wrong I am so proud of you, Broadway you did it (Y/n)"

He takes a pause and tears welled up in both our eyes. He wipes my tears away and holds my hand. "And (Y/n) I never ever doubted for one second in my life, you weren't the one for me, for us. You complete us, (Y/n). I know now forgiving Namjoon and Jungkook will take time, but I want to ask you now to hold on to this. As much as we can together. I came to New York to see you perform like we promised and i'm not going without you back in my life again, I wanna be the man that I wasn't for you (Y/n), for you." He finishes his last thought and looks at me in my eyes.

"Yoongi, right here right now telling me all of this, makes you more of a man than anyone i've ever known"

He leans forward and kisses me softly, then it soon turns passionate. His hand sneaks up behind my ear and his other around my waist. He lays me down on the bed kissing me passionately. He got on top of me taking off his coat and mine

His hands roam my body and he continues to prove to me his love with his hands. Soon however or makeout is stopped there's a knock at the door.

"We will continue this later" he winks at me. Daniel, Lizzy and 4 of the boys walk in.

"Hey guys" I say shly and look up with my eyes meet with Jimin. "Jagi we were so worried about you" he hugs me and I hug him back. Then I lightly push him off. "Everyone please sit down, I need to ask you something" They all sit down around the room. Some take chairs and the couch, but for some reason Tae takes the floor.

"I need to ask this because if not it will eat me up and since we're working things out we need to be honest with one another so Imma lay it out straight. Did any of you sleep with Yu Mi or do something I should know about?"

"No Jagi of course not, at least not me and I know Tae hasn't. He's been busy with his photography. I've been rehearsing a lot maybe a little too much" he scratches the back of his head.

"But I know we haven't. Hobi hyung have you?" Hobi looks surprised he would even ask that question.

"Aish No! I could never, I stood at the dance studio and rehearsed for concerts with Jin, I've been helping him with cheoro" Jin nods agreeing with Hobi.

"So only Jungkook has" they all look at eachother with sad expressions. "I caught them" Yoongi says, putting his arm around my back.

"To answer the question you ask by the way No I haven't either I've been working on music, especially the song for you. But a couple of nights ago I caught them together in New Jersey, we concluded our tour here, tomorrow actually. But i'm sorry (Y/n)"

I sighed "Don't be, you didn't do anything" I touched his hand "You tried and that's what matters" he gave me a soft smile and nod.

"However" I say looking at the boys.

"You mean to tell me that, even though he lied to me and all of you he still slept with her. I may be able to understand Jungkook to a certain degree, he was hurt and he dealt with pain by sleeping with Yu Mi, but Namjoon knew. He knew what he did, he knew is was wrong. He is supposed to be a leader, he's a smart man"

I turn and face Yoongi. "He's a smart man Yoongi. I never took as a fool, but why would he do such a stupid thing" I cry into his shoudler and he just holds me.

"Okay um I don't mean to ruin the moment, but Alssya texted me saying the boys are coming back now, so unless you want them to see you like this, let's get you cleaned up" Daniel says walking over to me. I nod and walk me to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror.

I looked crazy. My mascara ran down from my eye,
my eyes were puffy, my hair was wet from the snow, even my lipstick smuched, well that's Yoongi's fault, I smiled to myself.

I tie my hair up into a bun and take off my makeup. I walked to the room where the boys were. "Is it okay if I wear something of yours , I want to shower but don't have clothes. In my purse I only have an extra pair of underwear, because you never know" I smile and they giggle a little.

"Of course you can" Yoongi says.

Guys I'm sad, this is so sad.

Okay I have to end it here since I've reached my limit, 1,000 words. But I hope you enjoyed! Remember Goodnight, Good morning or good afternoon. It is currently Good night for me !

Borahae 💜

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