Lets Talk

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I wake up the next morning to see Jungkook laying down beside me asleep still. I look over at the time and start to get dressed. Today is my last show then I have a break for a bout a month until we come back to perform again.

"Noona where you going?" Jungkook turns over and looks at me the blanket covering his body half. I lean down and kiss him. "I'm going to the theatre to practice" he jumps out of bed. "Can I come?" I look at him a little shocked. "Of course baby, are you gonna be okay though? Remember you are apart of the biggest boy band" I laugh a little and put Jungkook's shirt on. "Baby I'll be okay" he gets up exposing himself to me. He blushes, quickly covering himself with his shorts and runs to the bathroom. "Sorry Noona!" I laugh a little to myself. "It's okay baby!" He gets out the bathroom teeth brush and hair slicked back. He puts on his clothes then we both leave.

"Baby" I look up at Jungkook. "Yes Noona?" I smile at him. "I hope you know where not taking a car" he looks at me confused. "Then what are we taking?" I point over to the train station. He smiles at me excited to be taking the train. "Really Noona!" He says putting his hands together giving me a bunny smile. "Yes baby, your very excited to be taking the train" he pulls out his phone and takes some pictures of our surroundings. "Because Noona it's not any train it's a NYC train so it's cool" I smile and roll my eyes. "Cool? You definitely are a foreigner. We walk into the station hand and hand.

"Baby wanna see something?" Jungkook looks at me confused. "What Noona?" I hop over the turn tile. He widens his eyes at me. "Noona don't you have to pay!" I look at him and laugh. "Technically yes you do, but! I've been doing this since high school and never been caught!" He widens his eyes again like a child. "Really Noona? Never caught!" I shake my head. "Yes Baby, jump over" he gives me a funny look. "No, I will pay" I roll my eyes again and laugh. "Okay baby whatever makes you feel better" he looks at me patting his pockets. "Where's the card?" I start to walk away slowly pretending I don't know where it is. "Noona!" I turn my back to him. "Noona!" He says my stern causing me to stop in my tracks and turn to face where he is standing. "Yea baby" I says seductively. "Where is the metro card!" I pull it slowly out of my pocket and wave it around. "This card?" He gives me a look. "Yes that card, give it to me!" I shake my head no. "Get over here and get it" he gives me look, then looks around to see if anyone is watching. Luckily it's the afternoon so it's not that bad. He jumps over and comes towards me. I run to the train.

He grabs my waist turning me around to face him. He kisses me softly. "I missed you so much Noona" he says his eyes never leaving mine. "I missed you too Jungkook" he kisses me again and the train comes.

I get a text from the boys wondering where Jungkook is. I tell them he's coming with me. They all said they'll meet me there. "The boys are coming" we get off the train and walk up the stairs. We walk to the outside and the boys are waiting but my eyes catch Namjoon.

"What do you want?" I say letting go of Jungkook's hand and walking over to Namjoon not even kissing the boys hello. "Well I uh came to see uh you with the boys" I roll my eyes at him. "Why to run out on me again?" He gives me a sad look. "(Y/n) how many times do I have to say I'm sorry, it take full responsibility for what happened but if you would ju-" I put my finger up. "Save it, I don't wanna hear any of it anymore. This is nor the time or place to talk about things like this. And now if you excuse me I have a show to rock" I turn around and greet the boys soon going inside.

Tae starts to take pictures of the inside and Jungkook starts to film some of it. "Wow last time I didn't get to really take in the beauty of this place" Tae leans over to me as we walk inside. "Yea the first time I came here it wowed me to" I say looking around. "When did you come here?" Tae says still taking photos. "Oof I was probably about 7" his eyes widen a little. "7? That's how long you've loved the shows?" I nod my head. "Yea I've always enjoyed it"

We walk into the auditorium. "Hey Hobi" he looks over at me. "Yes sunflower?" I smile at him. "Wanna do the ballad with me like when we rehearse. I need to rehearse anyway and Lucas isn't here yet." He nods his head and gives me his beautiful smile. "Yes of course let's do it!" We both run towards the stage and the boys sit down. Me and Hobi play the music and start the dance.

Hobi puts his hands on my waist. Sliding then down slowly as he stands behind me. I drag my leg out which he goes all the down being it it up to touch my ear. He lifts me on like this and spins me around. Then puts me back down and turns me around to face him. I put my arm around his neck and cup his cheek as he lifts me up putting my hands on his shoulders. He spins me quick letting me buy then catching me and holding me bridal style until he flips me and sides me through his legs. I kick up and start to do some steps while he watches me. I run up to him soon and he lifts me in the air the slowly he brings me down.

Both of us are panting, staring into each other's eyes while holding on to one another . "Hobi I'm surprised you remembered the number" I say through phants. He kisses my nose. "How could I forget?" Jimin looks over at us. "He couldn't forget he still rehearsed it when we had the chance almost everyday!" We both laugh and Hobi shakes his head and then turns back to me. "So my sunflower" he says getting closer. "Yes Hobi?" I say smiling back at him. "Tomorrow do you want to spend the day I'm with me?" I nod my head yes "yes I would, but why not tonight?" He gives me a smirk. "Because tonight Yoongi wanted you and he was going to ask you soon" you look over at Yoongi who was already looking at you. He wave him shly and he's smiles at you back doing the same thing.

You turn back to home. "Do you know what he wants to do?" He shakes his head. "No but I do know he's excited about it" you both smile. "Oh and one more thing!"

"Yes Hobi?"

"What are you gonna do about Namjoon" You stop and think for a second.

"I'll talk to him but that's it after" all Hobi does it shakes his head yes.

We finish rehearsal and walk outside. Yoongi comes up to me and shakes his hand around my waist. "Baby" he whispers in my ear. I look up at him. "Yes?" He continues to speak in my ear only in whispers. "I have something planned for us tonight,join me?" You slowly shake your head yes. "Good girl" he says kissing your cheek. You felt like you could melt right there just by his touch. But instead continue to walk to their hotel.

I walk into the hotel, Namjoon lets me into the room. "Sorry that my room is a little messy" the sheets were messy, cothes lied all over the room, there were a couple of bottles on the desk and notebook was on the floor. I picked up the notebook while Nmajoon cleaned up some of his room. "What is this?" I saying holding the book in my hand. He quickly grabs it from me and sets it down on the now cleaned desk. "It's my journal, don't read it"He says sertnly and I nod my head. "We'll Namjoon let's get on with it." He nods his head and sits down in a chair and pulls one out for me. I sit down on the chair. "Okay (Y/n) look i'm not going start off by saying sorry, i've said it enough to you and it doesn't work. So i'm just going to tell you truly how I feel about you". I nod my head sipping some water. "(Y/n) I am truly in love with you. What i've done to you can't be forgiven. I am an idiot for not telling my company no, no i'm a coward. I should have have taken action, but I didn't that is a mistake I will live with forever. You can deicde whether or not you want to be with me again. But what I did with Yu Mi and lying to you can not be forgiven, I love you (Y/n) so much" You wipe a tear from your eye. "Namjoon I love you to, but I want you to understand something. You have one chance, that's it. You fuck up again and that's it. You are going to have my earn my trust again. We can get back together but don't come into my room you will not spend nights with me, if the company mentions me you must bring it up to me, Yu Mi contacts you, you must tell me and so on and so fourth from their. Do I make myself clear?" He nods his head. "What ever it takes (Y/n), whatever it takes" I wave my hand over for him to come over and give me a hug. I stand up and leave the hotel room and head over to Yoongi.

Okay Guys that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed and hope the chapters aren't to long. Always remember Goodnight, Goodmorning and Good afternoon. Right now it is currently good evening lol.

Borahae 💜

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