Dinner At Delmonico's

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Alyssa waits for me in the auditorium with Daniel and Lizzy since they came to see the show. I told them what happened between me and the boys.

See it's always the good looking ones!" Daniel says.

Liszt nods in agreement "Your way to pretty for them girl" she says fixing up my hair.

"Yes Mama, Usted es bueno para ellos. A quién le importa si el juego de dick fue fuerte, se lo perdieron" Daniel said moving his hand to speak. I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Uhhh some of us don't speak Spanish" Lizzy said.

Alyssa laughed "He said who cares about their dick she's to good for them"

Lizzy nodded "Well then Si!" We all laughed.

She looked confused "What did I say something bad?"

I shook my head "No baby" I kissed her head "Your just cute" I chuckled.

"Anyways Ms.Broadwayyyyyyyyy!" Daniel giggling says leaving a kiss on my face and giving me a hug. "Let's stop talking about these boys. Mama you a star now"

I chuckled "Star? Not yet this is my first show" he laughed "Your Insta says otherwise, you got 3 million now. Bay your my famous friend, sorry Lizzy"

She laughed "All good, she's mine to!"

I laughed "Anways though guys thank you for coming, it means a lot I hug them all.

"You did so good (Y/n), but oh who are the flowers from?" Lizzy asked. I never told them about the flowers.

"I think they're from Hobi, I told Alyssa that they want me to have dinner with them at Delmonico's, but they brought a girl with them" I looked over at Lizzy who asked the question.

"And that's why we're going!" Daniel says "Were not leaving you alone, to be wit those boys and that puta" we all laugh.
Daniels always knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.

"Thank you again and I hope they seriously don't mind you all coming. I haven't really had time to process my feelings since I've been so busy.
I'm barely at home now thanks to the stage. I work everyday and make my money.
I haven't had time to cry accept once I guess you could say"

"It's okay to feel sometimes (Y/n) we understand if you don't wanna go.
We know who you are and how you deal with things. Don't close off your feelings this time, not like you did with Lucas" Alyssa said

"Lucas was different. '' I face Alyssa. "He isn't coming back" I say tears welled up in my eyes. I wipe them away quickly. Even though I was upset she is right, I usually hide how I feel, especially when I have a distraction.

"Okay well I don't about you guys but I'm hungry and I want free food!'' Lizzy says in a louder tone, which is odd because she is usually very quiet.

"I couldn't agree more bitch, Me and Lizzy will be waiting for ya in the car, get the card he gave you and the flowers. Alyssa don't fangirl when you see them our imma have to smack you" Daniel said making eye contact with her.

"I won't, I won't. This is a serious matter. But if they try sum or that girl does imma have to swing" they all laugh.

"(Y/n) you've changed lowkey" I look over at Daniel.

"What do you mean?" I say genuinely confused.

"Well you've been more quiet lately even when you got back and you talk so proper now, look this be (Y/n) when she goes to the store"

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